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A no-nonsense read later service

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⭐ Features

home page screenshot

πŸš€ Getting started

🚒 Docker Compose

Although you can clone/build readl8r locally, it's recommended for users to run the docker image on Docker Hub. Copy the contents of this docker-compose.yml file to your computer and run:

docker compose up

🌴 Environment variables

Name Required Description Default
AUTH_SECRET If PASSWORD is set Used to sign auth JWTs undefined
HOST No Hostname or IP address where the service is hosted
PORT No The port number used for the service 80
SECURE No Indicates whether to use HTTPS (true) or HTTP (false) false
PASSWORD No Password required for authentication undefined
FEED_TITLE No Title of the feed (displayed on the web app) undefined
FEED_DESCRIPTION No Brief description of the feed's content and purpose (displayed on the web app) undefined
FEED_IMAGE No URL to an image that represents the feed (e.g., logo or banner) undefined
FEED_FAVICON No URL to the favicon to be displayed in browsers for the feed undefined
FEED_COPYRIGHT No Copyright information regarding the content of the feed undefined
AUTHOR_NAME No Name of the feed's author undefined
AUTHOR_EMAIL No Email address of the author undefined
AUTHOR_LINK No URL to the author's website or social media profile undefined

πŸ”’ Authentication

You can optionally protect your reading list with a password by setting the PASSWORD and AUTH_SECRET environment variables in your docker compose config.

This will protect all routes excluding feed routes (/rss, /atom, etc).

I'm still looking into how rss aggregators generally handle auth for feeds and only want to add auth when it doesn't prevent aggregators from accessing reading lists.

Stucture of an article

	id: number;
	url: string;
	publish_date: string; // date article was published (added_date if this can't be found)
	added_date: string; // date the article was added to readl8r
	title: string | null;
	description: string | null;
	content: string | null;
	author: string | null;
	favicon: string | null;
	ttr: number | null; // estimated time to read article in seconds

For the most up to date definition, see the actual typescript type.

βž• Add an article

πŸ”’ Requires Authentication

You can add an article by providing the article's url in the body of a POST request:

POST (http|https)://HOST:PORT/articles/add

πŸ‹οΈ body

	// required
	"url": ""


Status Body Content-Type
200 article added successfully text/plain
400 url is required text/plain
400 unable to extract metadata at {url} text/plain
401 not authorized text/plain

πŸ“„ Get a single JSON article

πŸ”’ Requires Authentication

You can get a single JSON object representing an article by making a GET request to the /articles/:id route:

GET (http|https)://HOST:PORT/articles/:id


Status Body Content-Type
200 Article application/json
401 not authorized text/plain
404 there is no article with an id of ":id" text/plain

πŸ“‹ Get a JSON array of all articles

πŸ”’ Requires Authentication

You can get a JSON array of articles by making a GET request to the /articles route:

GET (http|https)://HOST:PORT/articles


Status Body Content-Type
200 Article[] application/json
401 not authorized text/plain

πŸ“ Update an article

πŸ”’ Requires Authentication

You can update an article based on it's id by making a PATCH request to the /articles/:id/update route:

PATCH (http|https)://HOST:PORT/articles/:id/update

πŸ‹οΈ body

	"article": {
		"url": "", // optional
		"publish_date": "", // optional
		"added_date": "", // optional
		"title": "", // optional
		"description": "", // optional
		"content": "", // optional
		"author": "", // optional
		"favicon": "", // optional
		"ttr": "" // optional


Status Body Content-Type
200 article :id deleted successfully text/plain
401 not authorized text/plain
404 there is no article with id of :id text/plain

πŸ—‘οΈ Delete an article

πŸ”’ Requires Authentication

You can delete an article based on it's id by making a DELETE request to the /articles/:id/delete route:

DELETE (http|https)://HOST:PORT/articles/:id/delete


Status Body Content-Type
200 article :id deleted successfully text/plain
401 not authorized text/plain
404 there is no article with id of :id text/plain

πŸ—‘οΈ Remove all articles

πŸ”’ Requires Authentication

DELETE (http|https)://HOST:PORT/articles/clear


Status Body Content-Type
200 x articles cleared successfully text/plain
401 not authorized text/plain

πŸ—‘οΈ Purge old articles

πŸ”’ Requires Authentication

You can manually purge articles older than a certain threshhold using the /articles/purge route. Simply pass an older_than query parameter in the url with the following format:

h = hours
d = days
m = months
y = years



30d = 30 days
4m  = 4 months
2y  = 2 years

Please note the older_than parameter does not accept numbers with decimals.

DELETE (http|https)://HOST:PORT/articles/purge?older_than=<number>(h|d|m|y)


Status Body Content-Type
200 x articles purged successfully text/plain
400 invalid format, use the formula "<number><h | d | m | y>" text/plain
401 not authorized text/plain

πŸ“₯ Generate RSS2 feed from articles

GET (http|https)://HOST:PORT/rss

GET (http|https)://HOST:PORT/rss.xml

GET (http|https)://HOST:PORT/feed

GET (http|https)://HOST:PORT/feed.xml


Status Body Content-Type
200 RSS2 Feed application/rss+xml

πŸ“₯ Generate Atom feed from articles

GET (http|https)://HOST:PORT/atom


Status Body Content-Type
200 Atom Feed application/atom+xml

πŸ“₯ Generate JSON feed from articles

GET (http|https)://HOST:PORT/json


Status Body Content-Type
200 JSON Feed application/json

❀️ Health

A simple GET route to see if the server is up and ready to handle incoming requests.

GET (http|https)://HOST:PORT/health


Status Body Content-Type
200 OK text/plain