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Pupil Response Estimation Toolbox (PRET)

by Jacob Parker and Rachel Denison

Welcome to the Pupil Response Estimation Toolbox (PRET)! This is a freely available, Matlab toolbox for analyzing pupillometry data by modeling the pupil size time series as a linear combination of pupil responses to discrete events occurring over time. The functions in this toolbox can be used to implement the analysis described in Denison, Parker, and Carrasco[1], which builds upon the paradigm created by Hoeks and Levelt in 1993[2]. Once you download PRET, you will be ready to complete this type of analysis yourself.

Requires MATLAB and the Statistics Toolbox of MATLAB.

Code developed using Eyelink eyetracking data and MATLAB R2018b.


PRET works with data that has already been epoched and organized into separate trials.

With this toolbox, you can:

  • Perform simple preprocessing (baseline normalization and blink interpolation)
  • Create models of pupil dilation for a particular task
  • Estimate model parameters for a given dataset and model
  • Bootstrap a dataset and estimate model parameters on each iteration
  • Plot the results of model estimation and the bootstrapping procedure
  • Perform estimation and/or bootstrapping procedure with multiple models for one or more datasets


PRET is a free of charge, open source toolbox distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3.


Function Description
blinkinterp.m performs blink interpolation as described in Mathôt 2013[3]
pret_batch_process.m performs the estimation and/or bootstrapping procedure on more than one subject
pret_bootstrap.m performs the bootstrapping procedure on one set of trials with one model
pret_bootstrap_sj.m performs the bootstrapping procedure on data in an "sj" structure with one or more models
pret_calc.m calculates the individual pupil reponse regressors and the predicted time series
pret_cost.m calculates the sum of the square errors between data and a model produced time series
pret_default_options.m establishes the default options for all PRET functions
pret_estimate.m estimates model parameters for a single pupil time series
pret_estimate_sj.m performs parameter estimation on data in an "sj" structure with one or more models
pret_fake_data.m produces artificial data by using randomly generated parameters for a specific model
pret_generate_params.m generates random parameters for a specific model
pret_model.m creates an empty "model" structure containing model specifications
pret_model_check.m checks if input "model" structure makes sense
pret_optim.m performs constrained optimization to fit model parameters to a single pupil size time series
pret_plot_boots.m plots the results of performing the bootstrapping procedure
pret_plot_model.m plots a model or the results of the estimation procedure
pret_preprocess.m performs simple preprocessing of data and/or organizes it into an "sj" structure
pret_sample_script.m a sample script demonstrating the use of PRET with sample data
pupilrf.m creates a pupil response function with the input parameters[2]


Starting with data that has already been epoched and organized into separate trials, the workflow looks like this:

  1. Preprocess and/or organize data into "sj" structure with pret_preprocess.m
  2. Build models to test by creating "model" structures with pret_model.m and filling them out
  3. Estimate parameters for each model on data in "sj" structure with pret_estimate_sj.m
  4. Perform bootstrapping procedure on data in "sj" for the best model or all models using pret_bootstrap_sj.m

If you have multiple subjects (datasets), you can create multiple "sj" structures and use pret_batch_process.m to perform the estimation and bootstrapping procedures for multiple models in one run.

See pret_sample_script.m for a simple demonstration of this workflow.


  • The estimation procedure may take a signficant amount of time, depending on the number of datasets being fit
  • The bootstrap procedure may only be feasible with a multicore machine, depending on the number of bootstrap iterations desired and the number of datasets being fit


  1. Denison, R. N.*, Parker, J. A.*, and Carrasco, M. (2020). "Modeling pupil responses to rapid sequential events". Behavior Research Methods. *equal contribution
  2. Hoeks, B., & Levelt, W. J. M. (1993). "Pupillary dilation as a measure of attention: A quantitative system analysis". Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 25(1), 16–26.
  3. Mathôt, S. (2013). "A simple way to reconstruct pupil size during eye blinks".