BattlePong is an arena-like combat fighting game in which two players face off against each other in the form of Pong.
- Jacob
- Brian
- Cory
- Keith
Unlike the origin Pong, the main of objective of BattlePong is to defeat your opponent by any means necessary. This can include...
- Causing damage to your opponent via your BattleBall
- Area of Effect damage via PowerUps
- Time Counter counts down to 0
Your score is based on the criteria of the following
- Number of times you successfully hit your own BattleBall
- Number of times successfully dodged your opponents BattleBall
The visual aesthic will pay homage to the old-style terminal computers in the 80s.
After the game loop ends, a backend script will insert the scores into a database. The top 10 scores will then be echo'ed to the terminal session.
- The target platform is Linux. The program must compile on a Linux machine with no warnings or error
- Testing, unit testing? Continous Integration?
- Agree upon coding style below
- Assign tasks to functionality and non-functionality
- Create UML diagram detailing the overall design of the program
- Implement testing standards
Tabs, 2 spaces
class MyClass {
function myFunc( param1, param2 ) {
if (true) {
else {
int camelCase;
- W = Move left paddle up
- S = Move left paddle down
- O - Move right paddle up
- L - Move right paddle down