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Multipanel plotting class with ratio panels.

Required packages

  • python3 (
  • ROOT (
    • with cmake -Dpython3="ON"
    • OR in MAC
      • base=/usr/local/opt/python3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7
      • cmake ../root-6.20.00 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={your build dir} -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=${base}/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=${base}/Headers -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=${base}/lib/libpython3.5m.dylib -Dgnuinstall=ON -Dpython3=ON -Droofit=ON -Dminuit2=ON
    • cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../root_install ../root_src -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -Dgnuinstall=ON -Dpython3=ON -Droofit=ON -Dminuit2=ON
    • Recommended via hombrew, brew install root --build-from-source
    • pip3 install matplotlib scipy
  • For latex style texting via plot.EnableLatex(True);


Set the PYTHONPATH with the github you checkout like, PYTHONPATH=: yourdir/GitHub/JPyPlotRatio Import JPyPlotRatio and create JPyPlotRatio instance like import sys sys.path.append("JPyPlotRatio"); import JPyPlotRatio

plot = JPyPlotRatio(panels=(1,2),
	... options

Returns a JPyPlotRatio class instance.

Ratio Usages

By default ratioSystPlot is False. Ratio() combines stat and syst, unless ratioSystPlot is enabled(ratioSystPlot=True). Make sure that plot.AddSyst(dataPlotId,syst) is in the code so that Ratio function knows about it.

In case of plot.Ratio(model,data) model/data The ratio is based on the statical errors only both from the data and model (if ratioSystPlot=True), the systematic errors from the data (relative errors) will be drawn in bands around 1.

Parameter Description

Parameter Type Description
panels Tuple (h, w) Multipanel plot dimensions. Default (1,1) (one panel)
panelsize Tuple (w, h) Dimensions of one panel
layoutRatio float Relative proportions between the plot panel and ratio panel. Default 0.7
disableRatio list [rowN1,rowN2,...] Row indices for which ratio plot won't be shown
rowBounds Dict {rowN:(ymin,ymax), ...} or tuple Dictionary of y-limits for each row. If tuple, apply common to each row.
rowBoundsMax Dict {rowN:(ymin,ymax), ...} or tuple Dictionary of minimum and maximum y-limits for each row - applied if plot point exceeds these limits. Ignored for a row if rowBounds has a setting for it. If tuple, apply common to each row.
colBounds Dict {colN:(xmin,xmax), ...} Dictionary of x-limits for each column
ratioBounds Dict {rowN:(ymin,ymax), ...} Dictionary of y-limits for the ratio panels in each row
ratioIndicator bool If True, a dashed line will be drawn to indicate a zero difference line
ratioType str Ratio panel approach: "ratio": (a/b) with error propagation, "diff": (a-b) with error propagation, "sigma":
ratioSystPlot bool Plot systematics separately in ratio plot
systLegend bool Draw systematic error patches in legend. Default true
panelScaling Dict {panelIndex:scale, ...} Dictionary of scale factors for the plots in each panel
panelPrivateScale list [panelIdex1,panelIndex2,...] List of panels that should have their own y-axis scale instead of a shared one
panelPrivateRowBounds Dict {panelIndex:(ymin,ymax),...} Dictionary of y-limits for each panel included in panelPrivateScale
panelRatioPrivateScale list [panelIndex1,panelIndex2,...] List of panels ratios that should have their own y-axis instead of a shared one
panelRatioPrivateRowBounds Dict {panelIndex:(ymin,ymax),...} Dictionary of y-limits for each panel ratio included in panelPrivateScale
systPatchWidth float Fractional width of the systematic uncertainty patches with relation to the panel width. Default 0.065.
xlabel str or Dict {colId:str, ...} xlabel for all panels (str), or dictionary of xlabels for each column
ylabel str or Dict {rowN:str, ...} ylabel for all panels
ylabelRight str or Dict {rowN:str, ...} ylabel for all panels on the right side
ylabelRatio str or Dict {rowN:str, ...} ylabel for the ratio panels (default "Ratio" or "Diff")
axisLabelSize int Axis label text size. Default 16
tickLabelSize int Tick labe size. Default 13
majorTicks int Maximum number of major ticks on the x-axis. Default 6
majorTickMultiple int Multiples of the major ticks. By default not used (None).
logScale bool Apply logarithmic scale to each panel.
panelLabel Dict {panelIndex:label(str), ...} Dictionary of panel labels
panelLabelLoc Tuple (x, y) Location for the panel labels in each panel. Default (0.2,0.92)
panelLabelSize int Panel label text size. Default 16
panelLabelAlign str Text alignment for the panel labels, "left", "center", "right" (default).
legendPanel int or Dict {legendId:panelIndex, ...} Index (indices) of the panel(s) where to pace the legend. Use dictionary if multiple legends is wanted.
legendLoc Tuple (x, y) or Dict {legendId:(x,y), ...} Legend location(s) in the panel(s)
legendLabelSpacing float or Dict {legendId:(x,y), ...} Legend label spacing
legendSize int Legend text size. Default 10
sharex str sharex argument passed on to subplots() Default "col"

Plot curves with plot.Add(...). Input curve should be either as numpy arrays, or ROOT objects. Add automatically converts a TGraphErrors and TH1 object to numpy arrays and plots them.

plotIndex = plot.Add(panelIndex, arrays=(x,y,yerr) or gr=ROOT.TObject, label="", labelLegendId=0, plotType="data", **plotParams)

Returns the index for the newly added plot (int), which can be used as a reference for ratio plotting.

Parameter Type Description
panelIndex int Index of the panel to plot into. Panels are indexed from 0 to n in a row-wise order.
arrays Tuple (x, y, yerr), np.array Tuple of numpy arrays: x-values, y-values, and y sigma values
gr ROOT.TObject ROOT object to be plotted. Supported objects are TGraphErrors, TH1, and TF1.
label str Label to use for the legend. Use same label for plots for which same legend entry is to be used.
labelLegendId int Identifier of the legend to which the plot will be labeled
labelOrder int Explicit ordering of legend labels
plotType str Plotting method and type. See table below for the available options. Default "data"
scale float Scale factor for y values of the TGraphErrors object
noError bool If true, the error from ROOT objects is not plotted, without having to explicitly remove it first. Default False
limitMask np.array of bool, str Draw upper limit at y + yerr for data points for which the mask element is true. Default None (no upper limits). Value can also be "yerr0" (upper limit when uncertainty below 0), "yerrsys0" (same, but with also systematics combined), or "all" (all points as upper limit)
callback Func Callback function for the line collection returned by matplotlib drawing method.
**plotParams dict Supplementary parameters passed to matplotlib errorbar, fill_betweenorbar` plotting methods depending on plotType.

The following options are available for the plotType parameter. Additional styling may be specified by supplying valid arguments that will be passed on to the respective matplotlib methods.

Value Description
data Default: draw the graph as points and errorbars using the errorbar method.
theory Draw a theory curve with a colorband (fill_between method) using typical HEP plot styling.
fill_between Draw using fill_between method, with user supplying the lower and higher y-limits instead of y and y uncertainty.
histogram Draw a histogram using bar method.
2d_contour Draw a 2D color and contour map with with contour and contourf methods.
2d_histogram Draw a 2D histogram with a colorbar with imshow method.

A corresponding method is used to plot 2D graphs and histograms:

plotIndex = plot.Add2D(panelIndex, arrays=np.ndarray or gr=ROOT.TH2, **plotParams)
Parameter Type Description
panelIndex int Index of the panel to plot into. Panels are indexed from 0 to n in a row-wise order.
arrays np.ndarray, ROOT.TH2 numpy 2d matrix to be plotted, or ROOT.TH2 histogram.
**plotParams dict Supplementary parameters passed to matplotlib imshow.

Ratio plots can be added by calling plot.Ratio(...):

plot.Ratio(r1, r2, style, xlim, noError, **plotParams)
Parameter Type Description
r1 int Index of the numerator plot
r2 int Index of the denominator plot. The plot style for the ratio will be inherited from this curve.
style str Style for the ratio plot. Specify "errorbar" to always have point plot ratio curves
xlim tuple Set the x-limits of the ratio graph. Default (-np.inf,np.inf)
noError bool Disable error bars for the ratio if true. Default false
**plotParams dict By default, the ratio plot will inherit its style properties from the main plot. However, those properties can be overriden by supplying them separately to Ratio().

Add systematic uncertainties with plot.AddSyst(...):

plot.AddSyst(r1, ysys)

By default, the systematic error is included in the ratio plot as a quadratic sum. To plot the ratio uncertainty for the systematics separately, specify ratioSystPlot=True while constructing JPyPlotRatio. The systematic uncertainty should be a scalar (to be multiplied with the y-data points for the error), numpy array (uncertainty for each y-data point), TGraphErrors (error to be automatically converted to an array), TGraphAsymmErrors (asymmetric error to be converted to an array and displaced).

Parameter Type Description
r1 int Index of the plot to add systematic uncertainty patches
ysys float, np.array, ROOT.TObject (Relative) systematic uncertainty. If float, the value will be multiplied by the y-values of the curve, else if numpy array, the values from this array will be used directly. ROOT objects will be converted to a numpy array before plotting.

Finally, create the plot by calling plot.Plot(). A plot can be saved with plot.Save(filename), and shown in a window wit plot.Show().

Additional functions

x,y,xerr,yerr = TGraphErrorsToNumpy(gr)

Convert TGraphErrors to numpy arrays.

x,y,xerr1,xerr2,yerr1,yerr2 = TGraphAsymmErrorsToNumpy(gr)

Convert TGraphAsymmErrors to numpy arrays.

z,x,y = TH2ToNumpy(h)

Convert TH2 to numpy arrays: 2d-array z, and bin arrays x and y.

x,ratio,ratio_err = RatioSamples((x1,y1,yerr1), (x2,y2,yerr2), mode="ratio", freq=10)

Calculate ratio or difference between two (unmatching) graphs of data. The sample frequency (default 10) determines the number of sample points multiplied by the size of the largest array of data.


Multi-panel plotting class for high-energy physics results.






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