SoloLearn is Programming Course related site.Where you can get programming online courses.You can easily learn from this site and grow your skills on programming languages.
In this project i have made a site that shows us programming language courses.You can choose any course from this site and can learn programming language.You can read courses through online also if you want you can download our courses as pdf file.For downloading courses at first you need to register our site and login.After successfully login from course details page you can download pdf file.
##Technologies Used for Building the site
Full Project is Based on ReactJS. We have used many components to Build the site.
I have used react router dom
I have Used BootStrap and React-Bootstrap to design our site .
I have Used Vercel to Host Server Site .
Full Project is Based on Firebase. We have used Google and Github and Email-Password Authentication..
React Icons have been used to design.
I have used react hot toast for show error and successful toast messages
I have used react-to-pdf to generate pdf file
HTML & CSS is a core part for building a site. I have also used HTML & CSS.
LiveSite --click to view Live Site