A package to bench-mark python fun-ctions for runtime and memory usage and to using methods like plotting to view and compare the results easy!
Checkout the production branch for files used to create pypi package
pip install funmark
Right now the library isn't uploaded to pypi so this won't work as of now
Funmark has class name Benchmark which you can import using
import funmark
# Bench is an object of Benchmark class
bench = funmark.Benchmark()
from funmark import Benchmark
# Bench is an object of Benchmark class
bench = Benchmark()
def doSomecCalculation(aList, i, j):
doing some calculations
return aList
bench = Benchmark()
Benchmark.run() runs your function and returns time and memory used up by your function in seconds and KB
logs: True/Fasle(True by default)(not necessary) Prints information about runtime and memory after every run statment
time, memory = bench.run(doSomecCalculation, aList, i, j, logs=True)
Benchmark.add() saves the record to its object
The first parameter is the X-cordinate while drawing the graph, it can be anything like length of list or size of graph or equivalent
bench.add(len(aList), time, memory)
Make Sure you do add many points with different values to get a good result while representing your data in a graph
xlabel: str, Title of X-axis
ylabel: str, Title of Y-axis
title: Title of plot
label: Label for legend in graph
show: True/False, Used to toggle the last line plt.show() | Ture -> It will plot the graph
plotObject: matplotlib.pyplot Object, you can use this object to further make changes in the plot just make sure to set show=False, If the graph is plot then you won't be able make any channges
plotObject = bench.plotTime(
xlabel="Size of array",
ylabel="Time Taken",
title="Time vs size of list",
label="doSomecCalculation function",
xlabel: str, Title of X-axis
ylabel: str, Title of Y-axis
title: Title of plot
label: Label for legend in graph
show: True/False, Used to toggle the last line plt.show() | Ture -> It will plot the graph
plotObject: matplotlib.pyplot Object, you can use this object to further make changes in the plot just make sure to set show=False, If the graph is plot then you won't be able make any channges
plotObject = bench.plotMemory(
xlabel="Size of array",
ylabel="Time Taken",
title="Time vs size of list",
label="doSomecCalculation function",
xlabel: str, Title of X-axis
ylabel: str, Title of Y-axis
title: Title of plot
A Graph with combined plot of all Benchmark Objects passed in parameter including the one from which method is called.
xlabel="Size of array",
ylabel="Time Taken",
title="Time vs size of list",
xlabel="Size of array",
ylabel="Time Taken",
title="Time vs size of list",