- we might be using moltenVK on the mac side of things.
- basic 3D/2D rendering first
- Cross-platform compilations Current support Windows VSstudio 17 year 2022 and Xcode mac
- 2D UI system with Dom controls in a separate project
- Toolkit launcher
- (to consider) binary builds so that we can just incorporate it into other projects to marshal them into C# frontEnds that can use MVC based UI's or single applications.
- You should be able to just run the MakeProject.bat for Windows or MakeProject.sh for Mac but i am still working on them so
- Cmake
working updates vcpkg being used for cross platofmr
mac os Requimentens
brew install pkg-config
install the requirements using
./vcpkg/vcpkg install
then build the project using
cmake -B build -S .
cmake --build build