This repository contains coding problems, key concepts, and solutions related to various DSA topics and competitive programming
- [Data Structures]
- [Algorithms]
- [Competitive Programming Questions]
This section covers the implementation and operations of common data structures:
- Check if the array is sorted
- Count of odd numbers
- Reverse an array
- Sum_of_elements
- Largest Element
- Left Rotate Array by K Places
- Left Rotate Array by One
- Linear Search
- Maximum Consecutive Ones
- Second Largest Element
- Find missing number
- Move Zeros to End
- Remove duplicates from sorted array
- Union of two sorted arrays
- Count of prime numbers till N
- Divisors of a number
- GCD of two numbers
- LCM of two numbers
- Check for perfect number
- Sequence Containers: vector, deque, list, array, forward_list
- Associative Containers: set, multiset, map, multimap
- Unordered Containers: unordered_set, unordered_multiset, unordered_map, unordered_multimap
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Recursive Bubble
- Selection Sort
- Singly Linked List(Implementation)
- Doubly Linked List(Implementation)
- Circular Linked List(Implementation)
- Stack using arrays
- Stack using linked list
- Queue using arrays
- Queue using linked list
- Circular Queue
- Binary Tree using Class
- Binary Tree usign Structure
- Binary Search Tree implementation