This repo contains a server which receives CDP webhooks updates. This code is prepared to be deployed to Vercel.
First install packages:
npm install
Setup tunneling, using Pinggy:
npm run start-pinggy
Run your webhook server:
npm run start-server
By deploying it to Vercel you can get a public URL for receiving webhooks updates, so you don't need setup tunelling and don't need to host it yourself. Make sure you already have an account on Vercel
First install Vercel client:
npm i -g vercel
Login on your terminal by running the command:
vercel login
and use the browser to login. -
Then, to deploy it just run
vercel --prod
and it will be deployed after a few seconds.
This command will build your app on vercel and promote to production, which will make your endpoint publicly available, so it can be called by our CDP Webhooks service.
Now, go to your Vercel dashboard to get the project public URL.