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Getting started

Jaka Jančar edited this page Jun 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

Connecting to a database

Use connectPg() by providing a URL:

import { connectPg } from ''

const db = await connectPg('postgres://username:password@hostname/database')

... or individual configuration options:

const db = await connectPg({
    hostname: 'hostname',
    username: 'username',
    password: 'password',
    database: 'database',

For a full list of options, see ConnectPgOptions.

The recommended pattern to ensure the connection is closed is to use try..finally:

const db = await connectPg(...)
try {
} finally {


Simple queries

const result = await db.query('SELECT generate_series(1,100)')
for await (const row of result.rows) {

result is an instance of BufferedQueryResult.

Streaming queries

const result = await db.queryStreaming('SELECT generate_series(1,100)')
for await (const row of result.rowsIterator) {

result is an instance of StreamingQueryResult.

Prepared statements

const stmt = await db.prepare('SELECT $1 + 100')
const result1 = (await stmt.execute([1])).value
const result2 = (await stmt.execute([2])).value
const result3 = (await stmt.execute([3])).value

There is also stmt.executeStreaming() to mirror db.queryStreaming().

Query results

BufferedQueryResult provides a set of accessors that help you get the result in the shape you need:

1 column Any number of columns
(keyed rows)
Any number of columns
(indexed rows)
0-1 rows maybeValue: ColumnValue? maybeRow: KeyedRow? maybeIndexedRow: IndexedRow?
Exactly 1 row value: ColumnValue row: KeyedRow indexedRow: IndexedRow
Any number of rows column: ColumnValue[] rows: KeyedRow[] indexedRows: IndexedRow[]

KeyedRow are rows in the shape of JavaScript objects with column names as keys:

{ first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe', age: 33 }

IndexedRow are rows in the shape of JavaScript arrays, without column names:

[ 'John', 'Doe', 33 ]

If the result set is not of the expected shape (number of rows and columns), an exception will be thrown.

Additionally Both StreamingQueryResult and BufferedQueryResult expose iterators:

  • indexedRowsIterator: AsyncIterableIterator<IndexedRow>
  • rowsIterator: AsyncIterableIterator<KeyedRow>
  • columnIterator: AsyncIterableIterator<ColumnValue>

In the case of the streaming response, the rows may only be iterated over once.

Data types

PostgreSQL type Output Accepted inputs Comment
boolean boolean boolean
int2 number number
int4 number number
int8 bigint bigint, number
float4 number number
float8 number number
bytea UInt8Array UInt8Array
timestamp Date Date
timestamptz Date Date
date string (yyyy-MM-dd) string (yyyy-MM-dd)
json object, array, string, number, boolean object, array, string, number, boolean 'null'::json is not representable
jsonb object, array, string, number, boolean object, array, string, number, boolean 'null'::json is not representable
oid number number
text string string
name string string
void undefined any

Arrays of the above types are supported where applicable.

Unsupported types will throw an exception. You can work around this by casting them to a known type, e.g. $1::text or $1::int. This works for both input parameters as well as output column values.