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Releases: jake1164/Pico-RGB-Matrix-Weather-Clock

This release should fix the random network exceptions

22 Mar 00:04
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Merge pull request #33 from jake1164/bug-fixes

Added more error handling around network calls.

Fixes for OWM throwing exception during reads.

18 Mar 01:33
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The OWM get url will sometimes not include everything and this now checks that the content is present before attempting to read it.

Fixed bug when Tempest stops sending obs

14 Mar 23:23
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When the Tempest battery falls below 2.4v the unit shuts down and stops sending observations. This was not checked very well and was causing random exceptions.

Splash Screen

12 Mar 15:03
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This release includes a splash screen at startup to cover the ugly text that gets displayed on startup.

v0.2.1 - First release with weather and cross-compiled mpy files.

28 Feb 02:13
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Release of the clock with weather information from Open Weather Maps and Tempest.

Known issues:

Hard to click into settings menu caused by sleeps used in scrolling label
Requires an OWM API call to get weather condition and set condition icon

v0.2.0 - First release with weather.

26 Feb 18:33
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Release of the clock with weather information from Open Weather Maps and Tempest.

Known issues:

  • Hard to click into settings menu caused by sleeps used in scrolling label
  • Requires an OWM API call to get weather condition and set condition icon