Releases: jake1164/Pico-RGB-Matrix-Weather-Clock
Releases · jake1164/Pico-RGB-Matrix-Weather-Clock
0.55.1 - Updated dependencies
0.55.0 - Updated to CircuitPython 9.x.x
Notable Changes
- Updated to run on CircuitPython 9.x.x.
Follow the instructions at CircuitPython to upgrade
Known Issues
- Need to verify the NTP sync works in a timely manner if it fails.
0.54.0 - Added night-lite display
Notable Changes
- Updated nite mode to display a single pixel that represents the time via the x / y position of the pixel
- Fixed bug with weather not scrolling if outside the display "on/off" time but not dark out.
- Fixed bug with settings not showing the display on exit
- Fixed DST which is actually caused by not saving / exiting settings correctly.
Known Issues
- Need to verify the NTP sync works in a timely manner if it fails.
v0.53.1 - NTP Settings Added
Notable Changes
- Updated libraries to latest versions
- Added enable / disable the NTP sync from settings page
- If date / time is adjusted manually the NTP sync is disabled
- If enabled the time is re-synced on exiting settings.
Known Issues
- None
v0.53.0 - Displays version on splash screen
Notable Changes
- .version file changed to json for easier parsing
- Splash screen now displays the version on bottom right of display
- if no .version file or unable to parse than "dev" is displayed as version.
Known Issues
- None
v0.52.5 - Created a .version file in release
Notable Changes
- settings.toml file was renamed to settings.toml.default
- A new .version file is included in the file
Known Issues
- None
When updating or copying files from the file insure to include all files including the .version file. If this is the first time installing rename the settings.toml.default file to settings.toml and update the settings to include your wifi information.
v0.52.4 - Updated NTP Server Handling
Notable Changes
- Added multiple (up to 3) NTP server support
- NTP Interval changed in default settings.toml file (to 6hrs)
Known Issues
- None
You can list multiple NTP servers in the settings.toml file by separating them with a pipe | delimiter.
Recommended to switch the NTP Interval from every min to between 6 and 24 hours.
note: 21600 = 6hr, 43200 = 12hr, 86400 = 24hr
v0.52.3 - Disable weather if unable to contact API
Notable Changes
- If weather API is unable to be contacted the temperature display is hidden
- if weather API is unable to be contacted Weather icon is not displayed
- Release file name renamed to
Known Issues
- None
- This is the same as release v52.3 with a zip file name change only.
v0.52.3 - Disable weather if unable to contact API
#Notable Changes
- If weather API is unable to be contacted the temperature display is hidden
- if weather API is unable to be contacted Weather icon is not displayed
#Known Issues
- None
0.52.3 - Disable weather if unable to contact API
#Notable Changes
- If weather API is unable to be contacted the temperature display is hidden
- if weather API is unable to be contacted Weather icon is not displayed
#Known Issues
- None