This is a Web application developed for the University of Arizona Coding Bootcamp Group Project -- Weeks 7 & 8.
The user story is as follows;
AS A civilian.
I WANT to be able to search events in any area
SO THAT I can buy tickets and attend those events
The functionality is as follows;
This is an event search web application.
Users can query a city in order to return a listing of events which occur in that city.
Users can view the details of returned events.
Event details include:
-- Event Name
-- Event Date
-- Event Venue
-- Event Ticket purchase link
-- Google Maps listing of the Event Venue
Users can click the event ticket purchase link in order to travel to the corresponding ticketmaster web page
Users can view the event venue on the google maps embed
Users can utilize native google maps embed functionaltyon each maps listing
Users can click on the logo in the google maps embed to travel to google maps