Authors: Surag Nair, Olivier Moindrot and Guillaume Genthial
Take the time to read the tutorials.
Note: all scripts must be run in folder pytorch/vision
We recommend using python3 and a virtual env. See instructions here.
virtualenv -p python3 .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
When you're done working on the project, deactivate the virtual environment with deactivate
Given an image of a hand doing a sign representing 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, predict the correct label.
For the vision example, we will used the SIGNS dataset created for this class. The dataset is hosted on google drive, download it here.
This will download the SIGNS dataset (~1.1 GB) containing photos of hands signs making numbers between 0 and 5. Here is the structure of the data:
The images are named following {label}_IMG_{id}.jpg
where the label is in [0, 5]
The training set contains 1,080 images and the test set contains 120 images.
Once the download is complete, move the dataset into data/SIGNS
Run the script
which will resize the images to size (64, 64)
. The new resized dataset will be located by default in data/64x64_SIGNS
python --data_dir data/SIGNS --output_dir data/64x64_SIGNS
- Build the dataset of size 64x64: make sure you complete this step before training
python --data_dir data/SIGNS --output_dir data/64x64_SIGNS
- Your first experiment We created a
directory for you under theexperiments
directory. It contains a fileparams.json
which sets the hyperparameters for the experiment. It looks like
"learning_rate": 1e-3,
"batch_size": 32,
"num_epochs": 10,
For every new experiment, you will need to create a new directory under experiments
with a similar params.json
- Train your experiment. Simply run
python --data_dir data/64x64_SIGNS --model_dir experiments/base_model
It will instantiate a model and train it on the training set following the hyperparameters specified in params.json
. It will also evaluate some metrics on the validation set.
- Your first hyperparameters search We created a new directory
for you. Now, run
python --data_dir data/64x64_SIGNS --parent_dir experiments/learning_rate
It will train and evaluate a model with different values of learning rate defined in
and create a new directory for each experiment under experiments/learning_rate/
- Display the results of the hyperparameters search in a nice format
python --parent_dir experiments/learning_rate
- Evaluation on the test set Once you've run many experiments and selected your best model and hyperparameters based on the performance on the validation set, you can finally evaluate the performance of your model on the test set. Run
python --data_dir data/64x64_SIGNS --model_dir experiments/base_model
We recommend reading through
to get a high-level overview of the training loop steps:
- loading the hyperparameters for the experiment (the
) - loading the training and validation data
- creating the model, loss_fn and metrics
- training the model for a given number of epochs by calling
You can then have a look at
to understand:
- how jpg images are loaded and transformed to torch Tensors
- how the
creates a batch of data and labels and pads sentences
Once you get the high-level idea, depending on your dataset, you might want to modify
to change the neural network, loss function and metricsmodel/
to suit the data loader to your specific
for changing the
for some changes in the model or input require changes here
Once you get something working for your dataset, feel free to edit any part of the code to suit your own needs.
Credit for the majority of code here goes to CS230 Deep Learning course of Stanford. I've merely created a wrapper to get people started.