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Floatplane API Specification

Visit the pre-generated documentation, trimmed OpenAPI spec, and Postman collection at

Visit Floatplane at

This repository is an API specification of the video streaming service Floatplane using in the OpenAPI 3.0.3 specification for REST and AsyncAPI 2.4.0 specification for asynchronous events. The main files for this repository are floatplane-openapi-specification.json, floatplane-asyncapi-chat-specification.json, and floatplane-asyncapi-frontend-specification.json. Contained in them are definitions for all of the paths and channels in the Floatplane API, definitions of common models between the API endpoints, descriptions of authentication and authorization mechanisms, and more.

This repository serves as an open and central source specification for the Floatplane API by the community, for purposes of tinkering and creating custom clients for Floatplane. At the time of writing, Floatplane has its main website, along with both Android and iOS applications. The main use case envisioned in the creation of this repository is to make it easier to create TV-first applications for, e.g., tvOS, Roku, Google TV, etc.

⚠️ NOTE ⚠️: Please set a custom User-Agent header in your library of choice that uniquely identifies what app the requests are coming from, and *what version of your app is sending the requests. This is very helpful to the Floatplane team, and is good practice to do in general.

Automatic Generation

The main purpose of this repository is to enable automatic generation of documentation and client code libraries.

OpenAPI/AsyncAPI & Code Generation

The Floatplane API specification can be used to automatically generate client code of the Floatplane API in most major programming languages. It is best advised to use the trimmed version of the REST API to only generate the endpoints that have been thoroughly documented. Various generators exist for different use cases.

A notable open-source generator is OpenAPI Generator which supports 38 different languages, along with variations for different networking libraries in some languages. It additionally includes many configurations when generating clients. For AsyncAPI, the AsyncAPI Generator is recommended.

It would be best to keep your version of the specification, and a script to auto-generate the library with all of the correct configurations, in source control. Then, run the script to generate the code library or files, and keep those in source control as well in your project, or execute the script in your build scripts.


openapi-generator openapi-generator generate -i floatplane-openapi-specification-trimmed.json -o Swift -g swift5 --library vapor
ag -o FloatplaneChatAPI floatplane-asyncapi-chat-specification.json @asyncapi/nodejs-template

OpenAPI/AsyncAPI & Documentation Generation

The API specifications can also be used to generate documentation. Pre-generated renders of the documentation for this repository are available at There are a variety of renders available, including:


redoc-cli bundle -o Docs/Redoc/redoc-static.html floatplane-openapi-specification.json
ag -o Docs/AsyncAPIChat floatplane-asyncapi-chat-specification.json @asyncapi/html-template

Working on This Repository

Documentation Generation

In order to generate all of the documentation available at automatically when testing changes to the OpenAPI file,

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm install
    1. This will install all of the necessary tooling
    2. The OpenAPI Generator tooling requires Java to be installed, but will fail silently if it is not.
    3. Note that for AsyncAPI, it depends on installing puppeteer. If working on an M1 Apple device, you may run into issues with this dependency. Following this article may help.
  3. Make changes as necessary to floatplane-openapi-specification.json or the AsyncAPI specification files
  4. Run npm run docs-all. This will:
    1. Trim the spec into floatplane-openapi-specification-trimmed.json
    2. Generate documentation for the trimmed spec into the /Docs folder
    3. Generate documentation for the full spec into the /Docs folder
    4. Copy over the spec and some other files from /static into the /Docs folder

Then, open /Docs/index.html to view the changes. A Dockerfile is also available:

docker build --tag fpapidocs:latest .

Analyze difference between Floatplane frontends

The list of APIs was generated from the Floatplane frontend files, available at{version}/*.js

When a new version of the Floatplane frontend is released (which is done silently), we can analyze the differences between the files to find new endpoints being used. To do so more easily, some tools are included:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Change directory into the /tools folder: cd tools
  3. Fetch the frontend files for the previous version: ./ <previous version number>
    1. E.g. ./ 4.0.12
    2. This assumes that wget is installed on the system
  4. Fetch the frontend files for the current version: ./ <previous version number>
    1. E.g. ./ 4.0.13
  5. Un-minify the files: prettier --write Frontend/4.0.12 && prettier --write Frontend/4.0.13
    1. This assumes that Prettier is installed on the system
  6. Perform a quick diff to clean up the files and see which files differ: ./ <previous version> <current version>
    1. E.g. ./ 4.0.12 4.0.13
    2. The cleanup replaces references of the version numbers in, specifically, main.js with a common piece of text in order to avoid many false-positives in the resulting diffs.
  7. Then, manually inspect the diff of the files listed to see what has changed.

The file fp-frontend-version.txt is a collection of recent version changes that Floatplane has made, starting with 3.5.1. This may be updated irregularly.

Integration Testing

After making changes to the floatplane-openapi-specification.json, run npm run test in order to run integration tests with the Floatplane API. This ensures that the specification and its models are aligned with the API correctly.

Integration test run requirements:

  • The environment variable "sails.sid" needs to be set to the value of the sails.sid HTTP Cookie for authentication in order for integration tests to run.
  • Python 3 must be installed.

Integration tests will test for:

  • Expected HTTP 200 responses for valid requests
  • Expected HTTP 400/401/403/404 responses for invalid requests
  • A strict match between the response data from FP and the response schema/model in the specification:
    • Case-sensitive property matching
    • Case-sensitive enumeration matching
    • No missing properties in the schema (if new properties begin appearing in FP response objects we want to begin tracking them)
    • No extraneous properties in schema (if a property isn't in the FP response then it shouldn't be in the schema)
    • Exact type matching (a string with a number in it should not be equivalent to a number)

Write integration/unit tests in the tests/SchemaThesisTests Python/Poetry project.


Anyone is free to help

  • Document undocumented API endpoints
  • Add more information to already-documented endpoints
  • Fix issues with documentation
  • Restructure models
  • Add more pre-generated docs
  • Etc.


MIT License. See the LICENSE file.