OpenAI Gym for Wordle, plus Behavioural Cloning model applied for basic IL.
the folders checkpoints, results, training_information are for IL:
- checkpoints: stages of the model saved during training at diff epochs (20 cps).
- results: text output of each cp being tested on 100 random games.
- training_information: performance metrics recorded at each cp.
data folder:
- game_history: previous games of wordle used as expert demos ( parses all the info to trajectories_all.npy).
- valid_guesses: words that are valid guesses but not solutions.
- valid_solutions: words that can be guesses AND solutions.
- all_words: combination of both lists (used to combine)
- code to create gymnasium environment.
- util functions to create sessions for player and model for one game of wordle.
- makes a session to let player/model compete with each other.
- testing model on 10 random games after being trained.