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Releases: janh/go-dsl

Auto-built binaries

12 Apr 19:40
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Auto-built binaries Pre-release

These binaries are automatically built from the master branch.
Current version: f0f3a5c (2025-02-04 18:25:19 UTC)

Choose the build for your platform and processor architecture from the assets below:

  • Linux:
    For recent Linux distribution releases, try the GTK4 variant first. Older distribution releases require the GTK3 variant.
    If unsure, pick the x86-64 architecture version.
  • Windows:
    Computers running Windows 10 and Windows 11 are supported.
    The x86-64 architecture is probably the right choice, unless you are using a recent device with an ARM64 processor.
  • macOS:
    All devices running Mac OS X 10.15 or newer should work.
    Both Intel (x86-64) and Apple silicon (ARM64) are supported by a universal build.

Note: If you want to get the corresponding source code please use Git.
The source archives linked below don't contain the actual source.