Welcome to my portfolio! Here you’ll find my key projects, links to professional profiles, GitHub repositories, and academic work.
This portfolio was built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the Bootstrap framework for a responsive design.
The portfolio features an offcanvas menu for seamless navigation, providing access to the following sections:
- My Links: Links to my professional profiles (GitHub, LinkedIn, and ResearchGate).
- Webpages: My hosted web projects.
- GitHub Repositories: Links to my GitHub repositories.
A list of webpages I made while practicing my coding skills.
The repositories of each webpage.
I have a strong analytical background in reproduction and fertility research, which you can explore in my academic publications and ResearchGate profile.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- GitHub: janicemv
- LinkedIn: Janice Vilela
- ResearchGate: Janice Vilela
Feel free to explore and reach out if you’d like to collaborate or know more about my work!