A Flutter package for logging colorized text in developer mode.
See examples to /example
folder, more please run example project.
/* Global settings:*/
Dev.enable = true; // whether log msg
Dev.isLogFileLocation = true; // whether log the location file info
Dev.defaultColorInt = 0; // default color text, int value from 0 to 107
Dev.isDebugPrint = true; // Dev.print whether only log on debug mode
// V1.1.6 custom function to support your process of log
Dev.customFinalFunc = (msg) {
// e.g.: your custom write msg to file
// V1.2.6
Dev.isMultConsoleLog = true; // whether log on multi platform consoles like Xcode, VS Code, Terminal, etc.
// V1.2.2
Dev.isLogShowDateTime = true; // whether log the date time
Dev.isExeWithShowLog = true; // whether execFinalFunc with showing log
Dev.isExeWithDateTime = false; // whether execFinalFunc with date time
// V1.2.1
Dev.exe("Exec Normal");
Dev.exeInfo("Exec Info");
Dev.exeSuccess("Exec Success");
Dev.exeWarning("Exec Warning");
Dev.exeError("Exec Error");
Dev.exeBlink("Exec Blink");
Dev.exe("Exec Normal without log", isLog: false);
Dev.log('1.log success level', level: DevLevel.logSuc);
Dev.logSuccess('2.log success level');
Dev.log('1.log success level and exec', level: DevLevel.logSuc, execFinalFunc: true);
Dev.exe('2.log success level and exec', level: DevLevel.logSuc);
Dev.exeSuccess('3.log success level and exec');
// END
// V1.2.0 Execute the custom function
Dev.exe('!!! Exec Normal');
Dev.exe('!!! Exec Colorized text Info Without log', level: DevLevel.logInf, isMultConsole: true, isLog: false, colorInt: 101);
Dev.print('Colorized text print with the given level', level: DevLevel.logWar);
// END
// then every level log func contains execFinalFunc param:
Dev.log('Colorized text log to your process of log', execFinalFunc: true);
/* Log usage: */
Dev.log('Colorized text log'); // default yellow text
Dev.logInfo('Colorized text Info'); // blue text
Dev.logSuccess('Colorized text Success', execFinalFunc: true); // green text
Dev.logWarning('Colorized text Warning'); // yellow text
Dev.logError('Colorized text Error'); // red text
Dev.logBlink('Colorized text blink', isSlow: true, isLog: true); // blink orange text
// Support to log on multi platform consoles like Xcode and VS Code
Dev.print('Dev text print', isDebug: true); // default log only on debug mode
// Others:
Dev.log('Colorized text log other customs', fileLocation: 'main.dart:90xx', colorInt: 96);
Visit my github: janlionly
Contact with me by email: janlionly@gmail.com
I would love you to contribute to DevColorizedLog
DevColorizedLog is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.