This is a basic example of how to install Apache Airflow locally on your computer and then run a custom DAG
- Python
- Apache Airflow
I included a bash script with instructions on how to set up Airflow locally on a machine. The Dag's tasks use simple bash commands and python functions.
- _Make sure you have a text editor such as Visual Studio Code installed and also a linux bash terminal to use.
- Clone this repository ( onto your local computer from github
- In VS Code or another text editor, open this project
- Read the contents of and then run it in your bash terminal
- Next, in your terminal run the command 'airflow standalone'
- Once you have Airflow up and running, go to your browser and enter the address 'localhost:8080'. You'll be prompted to enter a user which is 'admin' by default and a password. Look in the standalone_admin_password.txt file that was generated during the Airflow installation for your password.
- Once logged in you can click on the DAG 'ch6_code_review_taskflow', toggle it on and run it to see it work. You can click on the individual tasks and then their logs to see their output after running.
- No known bugs
If you have any questions, please email me at
Copyright (c) 6/23/2022 Jarret Jeter