I've create this project to explore the possibility of creating smart contracts to do token exchange
Instructions to install Truffle Ganache
Make sure to start ganache before every interaction with this project
Install NVM:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.34.0/install.sh | bash
Install latest Node Erbium LTS and set to default:
nvm install --lts=Erbium && nvm use --lts=Erbium && nvm alias default `nvm current`
Install dependencies:
npm install
Compiling contracts:
truffle compile
Deploying contracts:
truffle migrate --reset
Testing contracts:
npm test
Mumbai testnet: 0x16478bd92e713a5599898c2c3b4713c47c5d39d1
Mumbai testnet: 0x3c2C22AE04A488f38cCF1Fe8C88B12d2A95c9B5A