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Stack alloc: option to print in JSON format
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The command line option is -print-stack-alloc {plain|json}
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eponier committed Nov 29, 2023
1 parent ef263df commit 5c77bd6
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,11 @@
([PR #644](

- The results of the stack allocation oracle can now be printed in JSON.
The command line option `-print-stack-alloc` can have two possible values:
`plain` (textual output as before) and `json` (JSON output).
([PR #656](

## Bug fixes

- Type-checking rejects wrongly casted primitive operators
Expand All @@ -65,7 +70,7 @@
([PR #541](;
fixes [#540](

- More precise detection of speculative safe loads in the SCT checker
- More precise detection of speculative safe loads in the SCT checker
([PR #556](

- Fix printing to EasyCrypt of ARMv7 instruction `bic`
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/src/dune
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(public_name jasmin.jasmin)
(flags -rectypes)
(modules :standard \ arch main_compiler x86_safety uint63_63 uint63_31)
(libraries batteries.unthreaded zarith menhirLib))
(libraries batteries.unthreaded zarith menhirLib yojson))

(name jasminc)
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17 changes: 15 additions & 2 deletions compiler/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,11 +31,24 @@ let sct_list = ref None
let lea = ref false
let set0 = ref false
let model = ref Normal
let print_stack_alloc = ref false
let introduce_array_copy = ref true
let print_dependencies = ref false
let lazy_regalloc = ref false

type print_stack_alloc = | No | Plain | Json
let print_stack_alloc = ref No

(* Ideally, -print-stack-alloc without argument would select Plain, but this is
not possible with Arg *)
let set_print_stack_alloc s =
let psa =
match s with
| "plain" -> Plain
| "json" -> Json
| _ -> assert false
print_stack_alloc := psa

type architecture =
| X86_64
| ARM_M4
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,7 +235,7 @@ let options = [
"-nowarning", Arg.Unit (nowarning), ": do no print warning";
"-color", Arg.Symbol (["auto"; "always"; "never"], set_color), ": print messages with color";
"-help-intrinsics", Arg.Set help_intrinsics, "List the set of intrinsic operators";
"-print-stack-alloc", Arg.Set print_stack_alloc, ": print the results of the stack allocation OCaml oracle";
"-print-stack-alloc", Arg.Symbol (["plain"; "json"], set_print_stack_alloc), ": print the results of the stack allocation OCaml oracle";
"-lazy-regalloc", Arg.Set lazy_regalloc, "\tAllocate variables to registers in program order";
"-pall" , Arg.Unit set_all_print, "print program after each compilation steps";
"-print-dependencies", Arg.Set print_dependencies, ": print dependencies and exit";
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146 changes: 138 additions & 8 deletions compiler/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ let pp_return fmt n =

let pp_sao fmt sao =
let open Stack_alloc in
Format.fprintf fmt "alignment = %s; size = %a; ioff = %a; extra size = %a; max size = %a@;max call depth = %a@;params =@;<2 2>@[<v>%a@]@;return = @[<hov>%a@]@;slots =@;<2 2>@[<v>%a@]@;alloc= @;<2 2>@[<v>%a@]@;saved register = @[<hov>%a@]@;saved stack = %a@;return address = %a"
Format.fprintf fmt "alignment = %s; size = %a; ioff = %a; extra size = %a; max size = %a@;max call depth = %a@;params =@;<2 2>@[<v>%a@]@;return = @[<hov>%a@]@;slots =@;<2 2>@[<v>%a@]@;alloc = @;<2 2>@[<v>%a@]@;saved register = @[<hov>%a@]@;saved stack = %a@;return address = %a"
(string_of_ws sao.sao_align)
Z.pp_print (Conv.z_of_cz sao.sao_size)
Z.pp_print (Conv.z_of_cz sao.sao_ioff)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,6 +88,127 @@ let pp_oracle up fmt saos =
(pp_list "@;" pp_slot) ao_global_alloc
(pp_list "@;" pp_stack_alloc) fs

let json_of_param_info pi =
let open Stack_alloc in
match pi with
| None -> `Null
| Some pi ->
`Assoc [
"writable", `Bool pi.pp_writable;
"var", `String (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_var_ty (Conv.var_of_cvar pi.pp_ptr));
"alignment", `String (string_of_ws pi.pp_align)

let json_of_return n =
match n with
| None -> `Null
| Some n -> `Int (Conv.int_of_nat n)

let json_of_slot ((x, ws), ofs) =
`Assoc [
"offset", `Intlit (Z.to_string (Conv.z_of_cz ofs));
"var", `String (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_var_ty (Conv.var_of_cvar x));
"alignment", `String (string_of_ws ws);

let json_of_alloc (x, pki) =
let json_of_pki pki =
let open Stack_alloc in
match pki with
| PIdirect (v, z, sc) ->
`Assoc [
"scope", `String (if sc = Sglob then "global" else "stack");
"var", `String (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_var (Conv.var_of_cvar v));
"zone", `String (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_zone z);
| PIregptr v ->
"reg ptr",
`Assoc [
"var", `String (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_var (Conv.var_of_cvar v))
| PIstkptr (v, z, x) ->
"stack ptr",
`Assoc [
"var", `String (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_var_ty (Conv.var_of_cvar v));
"zone", `String (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_zone z);
"pseudo-reg", `String (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_var_ty (Conv.var_of_cvar x))
`Assoc [
"var", `String (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_var (Conv.var_of_cvar x));
json_of_pki pki

let json_of_to_save (x, ofs) =
`Assoc [
"var", `String (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_var (Conv.var_of_cvar x));
"offset", `Intlit (Z.to_string (Conv.z_of_cz ofs));

let json_of_saved_stack ss =
let open Expr in
match ss with
| SavedStackNone -> `Null
| SavedStackReg x ->
`Assoc ["reg", `String (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_var (Conv.var_of_cvar x))]
| SavedStackStk z ->
`Assoc ["stack", `Intlit (Z.to_string (Conv.z_of_cz z))]

let json_of_return_address ra =
let open Expr in
match ra with
| RAnone -> `Null
| RAreg x ->
`Assoc ["reg", `String (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_var (Conv.var_of_cvar x))]
| RAstack (x, z) ->
`Assoc ["stack",
`Assoc [
begin match x with
| None -> `Null
| Some x -> `String (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_var (Conv.var_of_cvar x))
"offset", `Intlit (Z.to_string (Conv.z_of_cz z))

let json_of_sao fn sao : Yojson.Safe.t =
let open Stack_alloc in
`Assoc [
"function name", `String fn.fn_name;
"alignment", `String (string_of_ws sao.sao_align);
"size", `Intlit (Z.to_string (Conv.z_of_cz sao.sao_size));
"ioff", `Intlit (Z.to_string (Conv.z_of_cz sao.sao_ioff));
"extra size", `Intlit (Z.to_string (Conv.z_of_cz sao.sao_extra_size));
"max size", `Intlit (Z.to_string (Conv.z_of_cz sao.sao_max_size));
"max call depth", `Intlit (Z.to_string (Conv.z_of_cz sao.sao_max_call_depth));
"params", `List ( json_of_param_info sao.sao_params);
"return", `List ( json_of_return sao.sao_return);
"slots", `List ( json_of_slot sao.sao_slots);
"alloc", `List ( json_of_alloc sao.sao_alloc);
"saved register", `List ( json_of_to_save sao.sao_to_save);
"saved stack", json_of_saved_stack sao.sao_rsp;
"return address", json_of_return_address sao.sao_return_address;

let json_of_oracle up saos =
let Compiler.{ ao_globals; ao_global_alloc; ao_stack_alloc } = saos in
let json_of_globals global =
`Intlit (Z.to_string (Conv.z_of_word U8 global))
let json_of_stack_alloc f =
let fn = f.f_name in
json_of_sao fn (ao_stack_alloc fn)
let _, fs = Conv.prog_of_cuprog up in
`Assoc [
("global data", `List ( json_of_globals ao_globals));
("global slots", `List ( json_of_slot ao_global_alloc));
("stack alloc", `List ( json_of_stack_alloc fs));

module StackAlloc (Arch: Arch_full.Arch) = struct

module Regalloc = Regalloc (Arch)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,18 +273,23 @@ let memory_analysis pp_err ~debug up =
Hf.add atbl fn csao;
csao in

if debug && !Glob_options.print_stack_alloc then begin
if debug then begin
let saos =
ao_globals = gao.gao_data;
ao_global_alloc = cglobs;
ao_stack_alloc = get_sao
"(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)@.";
Format.eprintf "(* Intermediate results of the stack allocation oracle *)@.@.";
Format.eprintf "%a@.@.@." (pp_oracle up) saos
match !Glob_options.print_stack_alloc with
| No -> ()
| Plain ->
"(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)@.";
Format.eprintf "(* Intermediate results of the stack allocation oracle *)@.@.";
Format.eprintf "%a@.@.@." (pp_oracle up) saos
| Json ->
Format.eprintf "%a@." (Yojson.Safe.pretty_print ~std:true) (json_of_oracle up saos)

let sp' =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -310,11 +436,15 @@ let memory_analysis pp_err ~debug up =

if !Glob_options.print_stack_alloc then begin
begin match !Glob_options.print_stack_alloc with
| No -> ()
| Plain ->
"(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)@.";
"(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)@.";
Format.eprintf "(* Final results of the stack allocation oracle *)@.@.";
Format.eprintf "%a@.@.@." (pp_oracle up) saos
| Json ->
Format.eprintf "%a@." (Yojson.Safe.pretty_print ~std:true) (json_of_oracle up saos)

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