twitter-geo-sentiment is web app built with a ReactJS interface connected to a RESTful Flask API to analyse the sentiment of collected geo-tagged tweets, providing data visualisation based upon the collated data.
The Premium 30-day Twitter Search API is used to collect the most recent tweets based on given keywords by location. A naive-bayes sentiment classifier trained on tweets determines the sentiment of individual tweets, which are then aggregated to provide a mean sentiment for a region. A React frontend receives all this and provides data visualisations illustrating sentiment regarding a specific topic across states or countries.
This repository is the source code for my submission for the IB Computer Science Internal Assessment.
- Twitter API (sign up and complete approval process – may take a few days)
- MongoDB Atlas (create account, create a cluster and connect to database)
- NodeJS
The JS dependencies of the ReactJS frontend are detailed in package.json
The Python dependencies of the backend API are detailed in requirements.txt
Clone the repository in a directory of your choosing:
$ git clone
Change directory into the cloned repository:
$ cd twitter-geo-sentiment
Then, install the JS dependencies from package.json
using npm
$ npm install
Now, change into the api
directory to set up and enter a virtual Python environment using venv
$ cd api
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
We can now safely install the Python dependencies and run the scripts properly. Using requirements.txt
, we can do this pretty painlessly (although it might take a few minutes):
$ pip install -r ../requirements.txt
In the api
directory, create two files with the following names and content contained within them.
– this file contains details to access your MongoDB cluster. Paste the following into the file. Then, replace [your_URI]
with your URI connection string from MongoDB Atlas and [database_name]
with the name you want to call the database (note: in your URI, make sure to include your password, as well as the value for [database_name]
. To avoid an SSL certificate error, add &ssl=true&ssl_cert_reqs=CERT_NONE
to the end of your URI as well):
– this file contains your secret keys for access to the Twitter API. Paste the following, replacing [consumer_key]
and [consumer_secret_key]
with the respective values from your Twitter developer account.
account_type: premium
consumer_key: [consumer_key]
consumer_secret: [consumer_secret_key]
You're now able to launch the web app! In the command line, start the backend API on your machine by running:
$ yarn start-api
Then, open another terminal prompt and navigate to the repository. Then, launch the ReactJS frontend by running:
$ npm start
You should now be able to access the web app at http://localhost:3000
. It is also possible to access it from across your local network, however, adjustments need to be made to the API.
As this represents the codebase for my IB Computer Science Internal Assessment, I will not be accepting contributions to this project. That said, feel free to fork this repo and go crazy.