Install nix
, which is referenced by the dotfiles and provides all the applications. Use Determinate System's installer which makes the install super-easy:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
Dotfiles are managed with Git, using YADM. Once setup, the environment is then managed using Nix/home-manager to install all the shells, tools, etc.
Install YADM by cloning it - this allows for easy updates:
git clone ~/.yadm-project
# "Install" to a loation in the default path.
sudo ln -s ~/.yadm-project/yadm /usr/local/bin/yadm
Clone the actual dotfiles repo:
yadm clone
Decrypt any secrets.
yadm decrypt
Create host-specific versions of the following files:
Run the bootstrap, which will link any host-specific files and perform other
setup work such as installing Nix and running home-manager
yadm bootstrap