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Treetop Theme

An atomic design and Pattern Lab friendly starting point for new Drupal 8 themes. The theme is built to be used with Pattern Lab.

Installing development dependencies

Prerequisites: npm installed.

In the Treetop theme root directory run:

npm install

Integrating with Drupal


Install and enable the Component Libraries module.

No configuration is needed, the settings are included in the file.

Integrating with Pattern Lab


Composer installed.

###First Time Install

  1. In the Treetop theme root directory run: git clone pattern-lab

  2. Then cd pattern-lab directory and run: composer install. If asked about replacing files, do it.

  3. In the file pattern-lab/config/config.yml change sourceDir and twigAutoescape:

    sourceDir: ../components
    twigAutoescape: false
  4. While still in the pattern-lab directory run: php core/console --generate

Using the theme

Generally you will be running the Pattern Lab on your local environment during development. The theme has been built using Grunt tasks to automate some of the process involved in working with Pattern Lab. Below are some quick-start steps, for more information take a look at the command line reference.

  • Watch the theme directory for changes but not run the Pattern Lab server grunt
  • Run the Pattern Lab server and watch the theme for changes grunt pl:server

Normally Pattern Lab will not process the SCSS files so the tasks mentioned above have been built to handle that for you. They even run drush cr when a template file has been modified.

Command Line Interface

The basic command line reference is documented in the wiki. A full reference is in the works.

Contributing to Treetop

If you'd like to contribute to Treetop, please do so! There is always a lot of ground to cover and something for your wheelhouse.

No pull request is too small. Check out any up for grabs issues as a starting point.


  1. Please keep your pull requests concise and limited to ONE change at a time. This makes reviewing and testing so much easier.
  2. ALWAYS submit pull requests against the dev branch.

##Coding style Two files combine within the project to define and maintain our coding style.

  • The .editorconfig controls spaces / tabs within supported editors. Check out their site.
  • The .eslintrc defines our javascript standards. Some editors will evaluate this real-time - otherwise it's run using grunt|gulp build