This is a cross platfrom, ligth spider develop by C#.
- Visual Studio 2015 or later
- Make sure installed 2 packages to try .NET CORE, More details
- Install MySql in local and set account: root password: 1qazZAQ! [Download MySql Community Server]
- Install Redis in local without password [Download Redis for Windows]
Please see the Projet: DotnetSpider.Sample, I will update follow spider's upgrade.
Codes: https://github.com/zlzforever/DotnetSpider/blob/master/src/DotnetSpider.Sample/BaseUsage.cs
static void Main(string[] args)
IocExtension.ServiceCollection.AddSingleton<IMonitorService, NLogMonitor>();
HttpClientDownloader downloader = new HttpClientDownloader();
var site = new Site() { EncodingName = "UTF-8" };
Spider spider = Spider.Create(site, new MyPageProcessor(), new QueueDuplicateRemovedScheduler()).AddPipeline(new MyPipeline("test.txt")).SetThreadNum(1);
public class MyPipeline : BasePipeline
private readonly string _path;
public MyPipeline(string path)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
throw new Exception("Path should not be null.");
_path = path;
if (!File.Exists(_path))
public override void Process(ResultItems resultItems)
foreach (YoukuVideo entry in resultItems.Results["VideoResult"])
File.AppendAllLines(_path, new List<string> { entry.ToString() });
public class MyPageProcessor : IPageProcessor
public void Process(Page page)
var totalVideoElements = page.Selectable.SelectList(Selectors.XPath("//li[@class='yk-col4 mr1']")).Nodes();
List<YoukuVideo> results = new List<YoukuVideo>();
foreach (var videoElement in totalVideoElements)
var video = new YoukuVideo();
video.Name = videoElement.Select(Selectors.XPath(".//li[@class='title']/a")).GetValue();
page.AddResultItem("VideoResult", results);
foreach (var url in page.Selectable.SelectList(Selectors.XPath("//ul[@class='yk-pages']")).Links().Nodes())
page.AddTargetRequest(new Request(url.GetValue(), 0, null));
public Site Site { get; set; }
public class YoukuVideo
public string Name { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return Name;
Codes: https://github.com/zlzforever/DotnetSpider/blob/master/src/DotnetSpider.Sample/JdSkuSampleSpider.cs
public class JdSkuSampleSpider : EntitySpiderBuilder
protected override EntitySpider GetEntitySpider()
EntitySpider context = new EntitySpider(new Site());
context.SetIdentity("JD_sku_store_test_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HHmmss"));
new MySqlEntityPipeline("Database='test';Data Source=MYSQLSERVER;User ID=root;Password=1qazZAQ!;Port=4306"));
new Dictionary<string, object> { { "name", "手机" }, { "cat3", "655" } });
context.AddEntityType(typeof(Product), new TargetUrlExtractor
Region = new BaseSelector { Type = SelectorType.XPath, Expression = "//span[@class=\"p-num\"]" },
Patterns = new List<string> { @"&page=[0-9]+&" }
return context;
[Schema("test", "sku", TableSuffix.Today)]
[TypeExtractBy(Expression = "//li[@class='gl-item']/div[contains(@class,'j-sku-item')]", Multi = true)]
[Indexes(Index = new[] { "category" }, Unique = new[] { "category,sku", "sku" })]
public class Product : ISpiderEntity
[StoredAs("category", DataType.String, 20)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "name", Type = ExtractType.Enviroment)]
public string CategoryName { get; set; }
[StoredAs("cat3", DataType.String, 20)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "cat3", Type = ExtractType.Enviroment)]
public int CategoryId { get; set; }
[StoredAs("url", DataType.Text)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "./div[1]/a/@href")]
public string Url { get; set; }
[StoredAs("sku", DataType.String, 25)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "./@data-sku")]
public string Sku { get; set; }
[StoredAs("commentscount", DataType.String, 32)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "./div[5]/strong/a")]
public long CommentsCount { get; set; }
[StoredAs("shopname", DataType.String, 100)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = ".//div[@class='p-shop']/@data-shop_name")]
public string ShopName { get; set; }
[StoredAs("name", DataType.String, 50)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = ".//div[@class='p-name']/a/em")]
public string Name { get; set; }
[StoredAs("venderid", DataType.String, 25)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "./@venderid")]
public string VenderId { get; set; }
[StoredAs("jdzy_shop_id", DataType.String, 25)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "./@jdzy_shop_id")]
public string JdzyShopId { get; set; }
[StoredAs("run_id", DataType.Date)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "Monday", Type = ExtractType.Enviroment)]
public DateTime RunId { get; set; }
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "Now", Type = ExtractType.Enviroment)]
[StoredAs("cdate", DataType.Time)]
public DateTime CDate { get; set; }
public static void Main()
IocExtension.ServiceCollection.AddSingleton<IMonitorService, NLogMonitor>();
JdSkuSampleSpider spider = new JdSkuSampleSpider();
When you want to collect a page JS loaded, there is only one thing you need to do is set the downloader to WebDriverDownloader.
context.SetDownloader(new WebDriverDownloader(Browser.Chrome));
See the complete sample https://github.com/zlzforever/DotnetSpider/blob/master/src/DotnetSpider.Sample/JdSkuWebDriverSample.cs
- Make sure there is a ChromeDriver.exe in bin forlder when you set Browser to Chrome. You can contain it to your project via NUGET manager: Chromium.ChromeDriver
- Make sure you already add a *.webdriver Firefox profile when you set Browser to Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profile-manager-create-and-remove-firefox-profiles
- Make sure there is a PhantomJS.exe in bin folder when you set Browser to PhantomJS. You can contain it to your project via NUGET manager: PhantomJS
- Like the project DotnetSpider.Sample, make sure the logAndStatusConnectString is correct in config.ini
- Update MySqlConnectString in appsettings.json in DotnetSpider.Portal project.
- Run you spider then you can watch the status on the website
timeout 0
tcp-keepalive 60
QQ: 477731655 EMail: zlzforever@163.com