Test and develop REST APIs—an interactive HTTP client.
This is a small tool that allows you to conveniently make HTTP requests. Feel free to make a feature request.
- Readline bindings
- Optional vi-mode
- Tab completion
- Persistent sessions
git clone https://github.com/jasonwoodland/httpcli.git && npm install -g ./httpcli
# Start from the previous session's path
# Start from a relative or absolute path
httpcli http://example.net
# Change the working URI by specifying either a relative or absolute URI
# Perform a request, optionally specify a relative or absolute URI or any options for that request
# Set persistent options
# Change path absolute to the domain name
# Change relative to the current path
# Change hosts with a different scheme
# Change hosts with the same scheme
httpcli provides a flexible way of passing data for the JSON request body as well as query parameters, setting cookies and headers.
# Setting query parameters
-q version=2 key="some value"
# Specifying strings in the JSON request body
-d key=value "another key"="another value"
# Specifying an array (you can use commas or spaces to separate data)
-d firstArray=[1, 2, 3] secondArray=[4 5 6]
# Specifying an object
-d user={name=jason age=20 skills=[apis, "looking cool"]}
-c [COOKIES]..., --cookie [COOKIES]...
Specify cookies for the Cookie header.
-d [DATA]..., --data [DATA]...
Specify request body data to send as a JSON object.
-h [HEADERS]..., --header [HEADERS]...
Specify headers to be set for the request
-q [QUERY]..., --query [QUERY]...
Specify query parameters.
-C [COOKIES]..., --store-cookie [COOKIES]...
Specify cookies for the Cookie header to send with each following request.
-D [DATA]..., --store-data [DATA]...
Specify request body JSON data to send with every following request which
specifies the -d option.
-H [HEADERS]..., --store-header [HEADERS]...
Specify headers to be set for every following request which specifies the
-h option.
-Q [QUERY]..., --store-query [QUERY]...
Specify query parameters to send with every following request which
specifies the -q option.
-b, --body-only
Only print the response body.
-B, --no-body
Only print the response headers.
-v, --verbose
Print the request headers.
-V, --always-verbose
Print the request headers for each following request.
-r, --rm-stored
Remove stored data, headers and queries.
# Perform a GET request on the current path/resource
# Perform a GET request on a resource relative to the current path
GET some/resource
# Perform a GET request on a resource relative to the current host
# Perform a PUT request with request data
PUT some/resource --data name="value" array=[1, 2, 3] object={a=b, x=y}
- Now detects more JSON Content-Types
- Able to set request headers
- You can now set the Cookie header conveniently with
- Ability to print request headers
- Now remembers the last path/resource from the previous session
- Ability to set request headers
- View request headers
- View entire request
- Persistent data and queries between sessions
- Persistent cookies between sessions
- Persistent history
- Make requests with form body data
- An easier way to send JSON in the request message body. (-d flag)
- Ability to read persistent data/queries and cookies
- Ability to delete cookies
- Ability to send a raw request body
- Config file