This repository serves as a personal self-study initiative aimed at deepening my understanding of lithium-ion battery electrochemistry. Throughout this project, I aim to verify theories and obtained answers to personal questions around various topics surrounding electrochemistry in various applications of battery tech.
[!] This repo is apart of a series of repositories dedicated to battery science and BMS explorations, labelled with prefix "battery-".
- Learn: Gain supporting knowledge around personal questions and curiosities to supplement my own battery experience.
- Account for Real Life: Explore how to work with real-world battery datasets with variable quality to validate theories with data.
- Avoid obsolence: Testing either recent software solutions or published theories from papers to calibrate understanding to latest global view.
This project is organized into several directories, each serving a specific purpose:
├── query_notebooks/ # Directory for storing notebooks. EACH notebooks is a query with supported data
│ └── XYZ.ipynb # Why is XYZ?
├── # Project overview and documentation
└── requirements.txt # List of dependencies required to run the project
To run this project, you will need Python installed on your machine along with the required libraries. Current version utilizations neing utilzied locally are as follows:
- Python (3.11.7)
- Virtual environment created using Python 3.11 (Not required but suggested)
Otherwise, you can install the dependencies using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt