Spark is Java based, You need to install java on your system to run the spark.
Download apache spark and place it some directory you want to place it. Uncompress it and save it as spark
Add Environment variables for spark in .bashrc
if you are using linux or Unix based OS. For example I have downloaded the spark
in irfan directory. Now add these lines to .bashrc
export SPARK_HOME=/home/irfan/spark
export PYSPARK_PYTHON=python3
Test your installation of spark by running the command in terminal
It will start the python shell in spark.
you need to install Python packages to run the training.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Now you are good to go.
Run the
to start the spark. It will automatically train the model on startup and provide you with api access to
find the sentiment of given tweet using API.
# json request
curl -X POST -d '{"sentence":"التعلم الرقمي من خلال التسجيل الرقمي افتتاح الموقع قري"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
If you want to test it with Pycharm you can run the api_test.http
POSTMAN has encoding issues with arabic type language such as Urdu etc so you have to use the curl or Pycharm to test it. Or You can integrate it with your app or website.
import findspark
import pyspark as ps
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
sc = ps.SparkContext('local[2]')
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
csv_file = "./user_tweets.csv"
sqlContext.sql("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS Sentiment;")
sqlContext.sql("use sentiment")
df = ("csv")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
.option("header", "true")
schema="tweet varchar(512)"
sqlContext.sql("use sentiment;")
df.write.saveAsTable("user_tweets", schema=schema)
# df.write.format("csv").saveAsTable("user_tweets", schema=schema)
df ="spark-warehouse/sentiment.db/user_tweets")
df_sfo = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM user_tweets")
tbl ="parquet").load("spark-warehouse/sentiment.db/user_tweets")
tbl.sql_ctx.sql("INSERT INTO user_tweets VALUES ('{}')".format('قراءة المزيد')).show()