Demo video :
Quartz .Net is an enterprice timer library for .Net Standard Framework. I used it in this project for scheduling emails with cron expression.
I Used EF Core and Sqlite for storing schedules in server. "ScheduleLoader" Hosted Service gets uncompleted schedules from database and reschedules them when server booted up.
In this project i used Axios for communications with Web API. "http-client" handles authentication, "AccountManager" service handles login and signup and change password. "ScheduleManager" service created for manage schedules and CRUD actions for schedules.
Back-end Repo : EmailScheduler-WebApi
Front-end Repo : EmailScheduler-Frontend
daisyUI Repo : daisyui
First you should set this parameters for config project using run dotnet user-secret set ["key"] "value"
in root of project
dotnet user-secrets set ["SMTP:Host"] "<your mail server IP or URL>"
dotnet user-secrets set ["SMTP:Port"] "<your mail server Port>"
dotnet user-secrets set ["SMTP:Username"] "<your Username in mail server>"
dotnet user-secrets set ["SMTP:Password"] "<your Password in mail server>"
dotnet user-secrets set ["SMTP:From"] "<your Full Email Address in mail server>"
dotnet user-secrets set ["JWT:Secret"] "<Your JWT Secret Key>"
you should set cors-policy address that it is your website address ( Front-end )
now you can run web application using dotnet run -c=Release
and enjoy it.
find this lines in Program.cs file :
app.UseCors(p =>
p.WithMethods("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE");
first you should set backend address at /src/Services/http-client , find this line:
this.client = axios.create({baseURL: "your_backend_address"});
and you can build it with commands :
yarn build
and copy content of /dist folder at your static host wwwroot and enjoy it!