Live Demo (Rinkeby):
Contract Address (Rinkeby) 0x26DE54fc152e7e5c24c939714C686709b342984d (
- Via npm: npm install truffle -g
In order to run this application, please follow these steps:
- Install the dependencies (Truffle and Ganache).
- Clone the repository:
- $ git clone
- Within the project directory, run $ npm install to resolve its dependencies.
- Compile the contracts from the terminal running the following command
- $ truffle compile
- OPTIONAL "deploy to Rinkeby" - Set your envvars by creating a .env file within the project root directory and setting the following vars
- PROJECT_ID= -Your Infura Project Id- (Rinkeby testnet)
- SEED_PHRASE= -Your seed phrase-
- Run $ truffle migrate --network rinkeby
- Deploy to local Ganache
- Open Ganache
- Create a new Workspace
- From "Contracts" click "LINK TRUFFLE PROJECTS"
- Click Add Project and select "truffle-config.js" from the project root directory
- Click Save and Restart
- From the terminal run $ truffle migrate
- From the project root navigate to /client and run $ npm install and $ npm run start or react-scripts start
- OPTIONAL - "Build" - To build the project in order to deploy it to an external server run the following command $ npm run build or react-scripts build