-by JeeHaeng Yoo (jyoo46)
This is a Daily Homework Tracker for University of Ilinois LING 402: Tools & Techniques for Speech & Language Processing.
The program will create hidden cloned repository and github credential information in user's home directory and check how many daily exercises were completed in the current week.
The program can be used regardless of semester or year, since date-related variables are based on system's date at the time of execution.
Execute setup.sh.
The program will first create a hidden folder in user's home directory for the repository.
The program will then ask for user's github credential and save it to the home directory as hidden file.
If 'expect' package is not installed on your machine, the program will try to install it. The package 'expect' is required to run the program.
If you want the program to be executed every time when bash starts up, answer 'Y' to remaining prompts.
When you are done with setup, execute main.sh. If you selected automatic execution, the program will be executed automatically from bash's next start up.
To modify git credential, run /dist/cred.sh.