psych engine lua achievements: what the devs could never do
in your mod's folder (so PsychEngine/mods/Your Mod), make a folder called achievements
then make a file called achievements.txt
the file follows this format:
Name|Image/Save Data Tag|Description|Hidden (true/false)
each line is another achievement
you can name everything whatever you want except for hidden
, which is either true
or false
if hidden
is true
, the achievement will not be visible until you unlock it
now, make a folder in images, also called achievements
inside this folder, you can make an image file and name it the same as the tag you put into achievements.txt
if you need a base for your image, you can use this template.
now you've made an achievement, and-
oh. right. it's locked.
to unlock an achievement, use callOnLuas('unlockAchievement', {"achievement-tag", getPropertyFromClass('Paths', 'currentModDirectory'), false})
if you want to unlock an achievement at the end of a song, use this template
and boom, your achievement should be unlocked!