A full-stack Bookstore web application created with Spring and Angular. Frontend client makes API calls to the running backend server.
Project is created with:
- Java 11
- Spring boot 2.3.2
- Spring Data
- Angular 9
- Angular CLI
- Bootstrap
- Maven
- H2Database
- Lombok
- Store allows user to create his account and make orders.
- User can change his informations inside user panel.
- Books can be added to cart, which counts full price for every amount of books.
- Spring Security provides password encoding, authorization and authentication.
- H2 Database stores data about users, books, cart items, orders.
To run server go to app root folder and use mvn script:
$ ./mvn install
$ ./mvn spring-boot:run
Backend server is running on [localhost:8080]
To run frontend client go to app root folder and:
Run npm install
Then run ng serve
Frontend client is running on [localhost:4200]