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A production-ready starter kit for building AI agents and multi-agent swarms on NEAR.


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NEAR AI Agent Studio

A production-ready starter kit for building AI agents and multi-agent swarms on NEAR. This template provides the essential building blocks for creating autonomous agents that can interact with the NEAR blockchain, make decisions using LLMs, and collaborate in swarms. The NEAR AI Agent Studio is an educational and interactive starter kit designed for developers looking to build AI agents and agentic applications on NEAR.

License: MIT NEAR Tests Python 3.12+ PyPI version Hyperbolic Lava Network

NEAR AI Agent Studio

⚡️ Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure you have:

System Requirements

  • Python 3.12 or higher
  • Git
  • Operating System:
    • macOS 12.0+
    • Ubuntu 20.04+ / Debian 11+
    • Windows 10/11 with WSL2

NEAR Account

  • NEAR testnet account (created automatically by quickstart script)
  • Or existing account with:
    • Account ID
    • Full access key
    • Test NEAR tokens (available from NEAR Faucet)

API Keys

  • Hyperbolic API key for LLM capabilities

Quick Start

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd near-ai-agent-studio

# Create and activate virtual environment
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows: .\venv\Scripts\activate

# Install dependencies
pip install -e .

# Run the quickstart script
chmod +x scripts/  # Make script executable

The quickstart script will:

  1. Set up your development environment
  2. Create a NEAR testnet account
  3. Install example agents
  4. Launch an interactive chat assistant to help you create your first agent

Interactive Chat

After setup, you'll enter an interactive chat session where you can:

  • Create new agents with /create agent <name>
  • Configure agents with /config agent <name>
  • Run multiple agents together with /run-agents
  • List available agents with /list
  • Get help anytime with /help

Start the chat manually anytime:

near-swarm chat  # Regular mode
near-swarm chat --tutorial create-first-agent  # Guided tutorial

Environment Setup

# Copy environment template
cp .env.example .env

# Edit .env with your credentials
# Required variables:
# - NEAR_ACCOUNT_ID=your-account.testnet
# - NEAR_PRIVATE_KEY=your-private-key
# - LLM_PROVIDER=hyperbolic
# - LLM_API_KEY=your-api-key

Core Components

Tip: Start with modifying the examples in near_swarm/examples/ to understand the framework. Note: This template runs on NEAR testnet by default for safe development. Always test thoroughly before deploying to mainnet.

System Architecture

graph TB
    %% Core System
    Core[Agent Framework]
    style Core fill:black,stroke:#00C1DE,stroke-width:3px,color:white

    %% Plugin Management
    Registry[Agent Registry]
    Loader[Agent Loader]
    style Registry fill:black,stroke:#00C1DE,stroke-width:2px,color:white
    style Loader fill:black,stroke:#00C1DE,stroke-width:2px,color:white
    style Config fill:black,stroke:#00C1DE,stroke-width:2px,color:white

    %% Core Services
    NEAR[NEAR Integration]
    Market[Market Data]
    LLM[LLM Provider]
    style NEAR fill:#00C1DE,stroke:black,stroke-width:2px,color:black
    style Market fill:#00C1DE,stroke:black,stroke-width:2px,color:black
    style LLM fill:#00C1DE,stroke:black,stroke-width:2px,color:black

    %% Plugin Layer
    subgraph Plugins[Agent Plugins]
        direction TB
        TokenTransfer[Token Transfer<br/>Plugin]

        style TokenTransfer fill:black,stroke:#00C1DE,stroke-width:2px,color:white
        style Arbitrage fill:black,stroke:#00C1DE,stroke-width:2px,color:white
        style Custom fill:black,stroke:#00C1DE,stroke-width:2px,color:white
    style Plugins fill:none,stroke:#00C1DE,stroke-width:3px,color:white

    %% Swarm Intelligence Layer
    subgraph Swarm[Swarm Intelligence]
        direction TB
        SwarmAgent[Swarm Agent]
        Consensus[Consensus Building]
        Evaluation[Multi-Agent Evaluation]

        style SwarmAgent fill:black,stroke:#00C1DE,stroke-width:2px,color:white
        style Consensus fill:black,stroke:#00C1DE,stroke-width:2px,color:white
        style Evaluation fill:black,stroke:#00C1DE,stroke-width:2px,color:white
    style Swarm fill:none,stroke:#00C1DE,stroke-width:3px,color:white

    %% Connections
    Core --> Registry
    Core --> Loader
    Core --> Config
    Registry --> Plugins
    Loader --> Plugins
    Plugins --> NEAR
    Plugins --> Market
    Plugins --> LLM
    Plugins --> Swarm
    SwarmAgent --> Consensus
    SwarmAgent --> Evaluation

The architecture combines a flexible agent system with swarm intelligence capabilities:

  1. Agent Framework Core

    • Agent Registry for managing available plugins
    • Agent Loader for dynamic loading/unloading
    • Configuration management with validation
  2. Core Services

    • NEAR Protocol integration
    • Market data feeds
    • LLM provider interface
  3. Agent Plugins

    • Token Transfer agent for NEAR transactions
    • Arbitrage agent for market opportunities
    • Custom agents for specialized strategies
  4. Swarm Intelligence

    • Swarm Agent for coordinated decision-making
    • Consensus building through multi-agent voting
    • Role-based evaluation with LLM reasoning

Project Structure

├── near_swarm/              
│   ├── core/               
│   │   ├──       
│   │   ├── 
│   │   ├── 
│   │   ├── 
│   │   └── config/        
│   │       ├── agent_roles.json 
│   │       └── swarm_config.json 
│   └── examples/         
│       ├── 
│       └── 
├── scripts/              
├── tests/               
└── docs/                

🛠️ Development Guide

Creating Your First Agent

from near_swarm.core.agent import Agent, AgentConfig
from near_swarm.core.swarm_agent import SwarmAgent, SwarmConfig

# Configure your agent
config = AgentConfig(

# Create and start agent
agent = Agent(config)
await agent.start()

# Execute actions
result = await agent.execute_action({
    "type": "transaction",
    "params": {
        "receiver_id": "receiver.testnet",
        "amount": "1.5"

Creating a Swarm

# Create swarm configuration
swarm_config = SwarmConfig(

# Initialize swarm agents
main_agent = SwarmAgent(config, swarm_config)
peer_agent = SwarmAgent(config, SwarmConfig(role="risk_manager"))

# Form swarm
await main_agent.join_swarm([peer_agent])

📄 Examples

For more examples and reference implementations, check out our examples directory:

Each example includes detailed comments and demonstrates different aspects of the framework. See our Examples Guide for detailed walkthroughs.

📖 Documentation

🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions! Please see our Contributing Guidelines.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Built with ❤️ by the NEAR community


A production-ready starter kit for building AI agents and multi-agent swarms on NEAR.







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