Principal Component Analysis and Isolation by Distance of Hypsiscopus murphyi and Hypsiscopus plumbea
Data and scripts for PCA and IBD of Hypsiscopus murphyi (description paper)
- A complete list of all specimens included in this study can be found at:
- Principal Component Analyses were performed with a size standardized and unstandardized dataset seperately. All scripts and associated data files can be found at:
- Testing for IBD was performed with a Mantel Test. There are better methods to choose than this test, but are not investigated in this paper. The code and georeference data can be found at:
Bernstein, J. M., Voris, H. K., Stuart, B. L., Phimmachak, S., Seateun, S., Sivongxay, N., Neang, T., Karns, D. R., Andrews, H. L., Osterhage, J., Phipps, E. A., Ruane, S. 2022. Undescribed diversity in a widespread, common group of Asian mud snakes (Serpentes: Homalopsidae: Hypsiscopus). Ichthyology and Herpetology 110(3): 561–574.
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