collective.dynatree provides the basic integration of the jQuery plugin jquery.dynatree.js (at google-code).
Optional it also provides a full-featured Archetypes Widget with full ATVocabularyManager support, including hierachical VDEX-vocabularies.
Just depend in your buildout on the egg collective.dynatree
. ZCML is loaded
automagically if z3c.autoinclude is available (default since Plone >=3.3).
Install it as an addon in Plone control-panel or portal_setup.
This package only provides and registers the javascript in the site. Addon
developers can use it then in their own templates. Please refer to the
original documentation
for usage of jquery.dynatree.js
The widget is meant to be used on a StringField
(single selection) or on a
(multi selection).
StringField('single_leafs', required=0, vocabulary=NamedVocabulary('some_atvm_tree_vocabulary'), widget=DynatreeWidget( description="Select one option of tree. Only leafs allowed", leafsOnly=True, selectMode=1), ), LinesField('multiple_all', required=0, vocabulary=NamedVocabulary('another_atvm_tree_vocabulary'), widget=DynatreeWidget( description="""Select multiple options of the tree. All selectable. Starts with 2 levels expanded.""", selectMode=3, minExpandLevel=2), ),
(additional to the usal suspects of TypesWidget)
- selectMode
- 1=single, 2=multiple
- minExpandLevel
- Number of levels which are not allowed to collapse; default=0.
- rootVisible
- Wether a root node should be showed or not; default=False.
- autoCollapse
- Automatically collapse all siblings, when a node is expanded; default=False.
- leafsOnly
- Wether to select only leafs or allow also to select nodes with leafs; default=False.
- showKey
- To show the terms key in front of the terms value set this to a format
string like
"%s: %s"
; default=None. You can put HTML inside, ie.<span class="dynatree-key">%s</span>–<span class="dynatree-value">%s<span>
. Thus you can apply custom formats.
An example ContentType is provided, but disabled by default. To enable it add
to both, the eggs and zcml section in your
buildout. Rerun buildout, restart Plone and install the
jquery.dynatree EXAMPLE Content Types
as an add-on product.
If you want to help with the development (improvement, update, bug-fixing, ...)
of collective.dynatree
this is a great idea!
The code is located in the github collective.
You can clone it or get access to the github-collective and work directly on the project.
Maintainers of collective.dynatree are Jens Klein and Peter Holzer. We appreciate any contribution and if a release is needed to be done on pypi, please just contact one of us.
- Jens W. Klein <>
- Peter Holzer <>
- Patrick Gerken provided initial idea+code with his package slc.treecategories
- for some cases we need to explicit iterate over .keys() - thanks to Jess Hix for the patch, jensens 2011-03-31
- fixed JS bug with f****g IE. Ported solution used by hpeter at
witha regexp instead of trim, jensens 2011-03-14
- fixed bug: css-registry merges css, so paths to skin were no longer relative. Adding the resource part helps here. jensens 2011-03-08
- fixed bug:
on multi-selection did not work. jensens 2011-02-18 - added
property to at-widget to show terms key in front of the value. hpeter, jensens, 2010-01-18
- upgraded jquery.dynatree from upstream to version 1.0.3. jensens 2011-01-19
- added
property to at-widget to show terms key in front of the value. hpeter, jensens, 2011-01-18
- fighting with, to much was excluded and egg release broken. should now be better. jensens 2010-12-03
- after submit and validation error keep the previous selected values. jensens, 2010-12-02
- add, so
gets included in the egg. jensens, 2010-11-29 - make dict2dynatree more robust after report by Rigel Di Scala, jensens, 2010-11-29
- Make it work (jensens, hpeter)