Releases: jborgers/PMD-jPinpoint-rules
Releases · jborgers/PMD-jPinpoint-rules
v2.0.0 (pmd7-release)
What's Changed
- All Java rules have been migrated to PMD 7, the pmd7 branch is now the default branch;
- Five new Java rules are added;
- Many Java rules have been improved.
New rules
- AvoidUnclearHttpRouteSecurity
- AvoidMutableCollectionInParallelStreamForEach
- AvoidSideEffectsInStreams
- AvoidInfiniteRecursion
- UnresolvedType
PR's in this release
- AvoidXPathAPIUsage Kotlin rule by @jborgers in #311
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 by @jborgers in #317
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: by @jborgers in #327
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: common_std rule number 1: Avoid… by @stokpop in #329
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: common_std rule number 4: Avoid… by @stokpop in #332
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: common_std rule number 5: Limit… by @stokpop in #333
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: common, AvoidExposingMutableRec… by @jborgers in #339
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: common_std rule number 3: AvoidConcatInAppend by @stokpop in #331
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: common_std rule number 6: LetFieldsMeetSerializable by @stokpop in #334
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: common_std rule number 7: LimitStatementsInLambdas by @stokpop in #335
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: common_std rule number 8: LimitNestingInLambdas by @stokpop in #336
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: common_std rule number 9: AvoidForEachInStreams by @stokpop in #337
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: common, ImproperVariableName. A… by @jborgers in #338
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 avoid calendar date creation by @stokpop in #342
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 common from 34 by @jborgers in #343
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 concurrent rules set 01 by @stokpop in #344
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 common set2 by @jborgers in #345
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: DefineConcurrencyForJavaEESingl… by @jborgers in #346
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 remoting set1 by @jborgers in #347
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 concurrent rules set 02 by @stokpop in #350
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 remoting set2 by @jborgers in #351
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: remoting - fixed issues from PR… by @jborgers in #354
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 concurrent rules set 03 by @stokpop in #355
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 concurrent rules set 03 by @stokpop in #359
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 remoting set2 by @jborgers in #358
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 concurrent rules set 04 by @stokpop in #360
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 concurrent rules set 05 by @stokpop in #361
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 remoting set3 by @jborgers in #365
- Migrate java rules to pmd 7.x.x #309: remoting - AvoidHttpHostOneArgu… by @jborgers in #368
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 spring set 01 by @stokpop in #371
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 spring set 02 by @stokpop in #374
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 sql set 1 by @jborgers in #376
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 sql set 2 by @jborgers in #379
- Pmd7 upgrade 7.2.0 by @jborgers in #380
- merged all tags from main (pmd6) to pmd7 by @stokpop in #382
- Pmd7 changes from master set 1 by @jborgers in #381
- Fix for pmd7 AvoidConcatInLoop false positive #383 by @jborgers in #384
- pmd7 fix request #385 AvoidUnguardedAssignmentToNonFinalFieldsInObjectsUsingSynchronized by @stokpop in #386
- Fix for pmd7 OptimizeMapOrSetForEnum false positive and missed case #387 by @jborgers in #388
- Fix for pmd7 AvoidUnguardedMutableInheritedFieldsInSharedObjects fals… by @jborgers in #394
- pmd7 fix request #389 fix + added unit test to check combination of @ConfigurationProperties and Lombok @Setter by @stokpop in #390
- Fix for pmd7 AvoidHardcodedConnectionConfig false positive #398 by @jborgers in #399
- Fix request for pmd7 AvoidUserDataInSharedObjects false positive #396 by @jborgers in #397
- Fix for pmd7 AvoidModifyingObjectMapper false positive #400 by @jborgers in #401
- Fix: pmd7 HttpClientBuilderWithoutTimeouts false positive #402 by @jborgers in #403
- Fix: pmd7 AvoidMutableStaticFields false positive #405 by @jborgers in #406
- Pmd7 fix request for issue #395 *LogArgument(s) rules do not work with @slf4j tag by @stokpop in #404
- Fix: pmd7 AvoidForEachInStreams false positives #407, and #341 and #410 by @jborgers in #409
- pmd7 fix request #411 LetFieldsMeetSerializable double hits by @stokpop in #412
- Fix Request for UnconditionalOperationOnLogArgument: Spurious violations on chained operations #415 by @jborgers in #416
- Fix variable matching in constructor assignment expressions by @jborgers in #418
- Fix for MissingEqualsAndHashCodeWithGetterSetter: spurious violations #419 by @jborgers in #420
- Fix for NonComparableMapKeys: false positives for boxed primitives #421 by @jborgers in #422
- Change in the description of the ruleset from 'performance' to 'responsible' by @jborgers in #423
- Fix for AvoidDiscardingHttpClientConfig - false positive #425 by @jborgers in #426
- Fix for AvoidUnnecessaryStringBuilderCreation: false positive for no… by @jborgers in #428
- Update AvoidParallelStreamWithCommonPool description and tags sustainability-low to medium by @jborgers in #429
- Fix: false positive in AvoidUnconditionalBuiltLogStrings #430 by @jborgers in #431
- Fix: AvoidUnnecessaryStringBuilderCreation spurious violations #433 by @jborgers in #435
- Fix: AvoidMultipleConcatStatements spurious violations and missing cases #434 by @jborgers in #436
- Fix: overlap between ImplementEqualsHashCodeOnValueObjects and MissingEqualsHashCodeWithGetterSetter #432 by @jborgers in #437
- Fix: ImplementEqualsHashCodeOnValueObjects has false positives #438 by @jborgers in #443
- New Rule: AvoidMutableCollectionInParallelStreamForEach #408 by @jborgers in #439
- Fix : false positive in HashCodeOnlyCallsSuper #440 by @jborgers in #441
- Fix Request: false positive in UseClearKeyGeneratorName #446 by @jborgers in #448
- Fix: false positive in NotProperlySynchronizedOnFieldWhileUsingGuardedBy #442 by @jborgers in #449
- Fix: false positive in BufferFilesNewStream #456 by @jborgers in #457
- readme update by @jborgers in #453
- Fix: correction of false positive in BufferFilesNewStream #456 by @jborgers in
What's Changed
By PRs
- added sustainability classifications to rules by @stokpop in #313
- Bump org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk18on from 1.76 to 1.78 by @dependabot in #308
- 318 merge tag properties to comma separated tags property by @stokpop in #321
By issues
#306 #307 #312 #314 #318 #320 #322 #323 #306 #324
Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.9.0
Release 1.8.0
What's Changed
- Many new rules and fixes described by all (closed) issues #51-#307.
Auto-generated from PR's: - improved AvoidRecreatingDateTimeFormatter by @stokpop in #60
- Update by @stokpop in #68
- Patch 1 by @stokpop in #69
- ignore macos specific files by @stokpop in #70
- fixed typo's by @stokpop in #71
- added AvoidJAXBUtil rule, doc updates by @stokpop in #72
- Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1 by @dependabot in #83
- Added HttpClientBuilderWithoutPoolSize by @stokpop in #93
- Add missing header reference for isio01 by @clanghout in #101
- HttpClientBuilderWithoutPoolSize: improvements by @stokpop in #98
- issue-112: added @RestController to the SharedObjects PMD rules by @stokpop in #118
- issue-114: new rule: GsonCreatedForEachMethodCall by @stokpop in #120
- issue-92: new rule: HttpClientBuilderWithoutTimeouts by @stokpop in #122
- issue-125: HttpClientBuilderWithoutTimeouts: also check if setHttpClient is called by @stokpop in #126
- Bump commons-io from 2.6 to 2.7 in /rulesets-merger by @dependabot in #128
- fix for issue-125: there are two names for same timeout by @stokpop in #139
- issue-117: added AvoidNonPrivateFieldsInSharedObjects rule by @stokpop in #144
- issue-121: update AvoidSimpleDateFormat to allow ObjectMapper... by @stokpop in #150
- Kotlin by @stokpop in #183
- Bump jackson-databind from 2.12.3 to by @dependabot in #197
- Improvement request: JsonMapper.builder() for ObjectMapperCreatedForEachMethodCall by @stokpop in #213
- Http client with x path exception fix #225 by @stokpop in #226
- Bump jackson-databind from 2.13.4 to by @dependabot in #227
- Issue-236: Default feign client without tls connection reuse by @stokpop in #239
- Bump spring-web from 5.3.24 to 6.0.0 by @dependabot in #238
- added AvoidDecimalAndChoiceFormatAsField rule by @stokpop in #291
- Kotlin rule completion AvoidInMemoryStreamingDefaultConstructor by @jborgers in #290
- AvoidStringBuffer kotlin rule by @jborgers in #292
- Bump org.springframework:spring-web from 6.0.9 to 6.0.17 by @dependabot in #293
- added AvoidSimpleDateFormat for Kotlin by @stokpop in #294
- AvoidRecompilingXPathExpression for Kotlin by @jborgers in #295
- added AvoidRecompilingPatterns (Kotlin) including test by @stokpop in #296
- Bump org.springframework:spring-web from 6.0.17 to 6.0.18 by @dependabot in #297
- Kotlin AvoidMultipleConcatStatements by @jborgers in #301
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #83
- @clanghout made their first contribution in #101
- @jborgers made their first contribution in #290
Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.8.0
Version Spring-2020 includes all fixed and new rules upto issue #50.