Easy peasy wrapper for the HipChat API. Exposes core URI endpoint wrapper and some basic methods for common integrations.
None beyond the Python standard library.
pip install python-simple-hipchat
import hipchat hipster = hipchat.HipChat(token=YourHipChatToken)
Request a URI endpoint as described in the HipChat API docs:
hipster.method(url='method/url/', method="GET/POST", parameters={'name':'value', })
Example methods:
# List rooms hipster.method('rooms/list') # Post a message to a HipChat room hipster.method('rooms/message', method='POST', parameters={'room_id': 8675309, 'from': 'HAL', 'message': 'All your base...'})
Two handy shortcut methods:
# List rooms, print response JSON print hipster.list_rooms() # POST a message to a room, print response JSON print hipster.message_room(8675309, 'HAL', 'All your base...')