- GIT PULL ORIGIN MASTER to sync local and remote repositories.
- Slack me a screenshot of this README file, opened from within your local repository. (With the project open in your sidenav)
- GIT CHECKOUT -B [your-name-here] to create a new branch for your personal work. Any change made here WILL NOT effect other branches.
- Open your local README again. This time, add your Github username to the bottom of the file.
- Save your changes.
- GIT ADD -A to stage your changes.
- GIT COMMIT -M [brief message about your commit] to commit those changes to your branch.
- GIT PUSH to push a copy of your branch and its changes to the project's repository.
Unless you've already pushed from a branch, you'll receive an error, explaining that you have no 'upstream branch.' Copy the line, "git push --set-upstream origin [your-branch-name]", then paste the command into your console and, if necessary, hit enter to set your upstream branch and push to the repo. <<<<<<< HEAD #GITHUB user name --- gsample67 ======= jcbennett3 oh my, what a big conflict.