The Guido Online Editor is based on the Guido library, is a portable library and API for the graphical rendering of musical scores.
The Guido online editor generates various music representations from a textual music description in Guido Music Notation [GMN] format. It supports:
- Symbolic music score generation from Guido Music Notation language
- Piano roll representations
- Simplified proportional representations
Each of the graphic representation can be saved as:
- a standalone SVG file (embedding the required Guido font)
- a standalone HTML file
Firstly ensure that you have Git and Node.js installed.
Clone a copy of the repo then change to the directory:
git clone
cd guidoeditorweb
Install dev dependencies:
npm install
To build everything (actually dist/example.json
npm run build
To test, put the directory in a local server, then open page: index-dev.html
Note that you can disable CORS security on Firefox and test without server: go to the about:config
page and set security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy
to false.
When ready to distribute run
npm run dist
On output, the dist
folder contains everything you need to run the Guido editor.