Swift.nV is a vulnerable iOS "secret keeper" application. It is intended as a security training tool instructing Swift developers on common mobile application vulnerabilities, how they are found, and how to prevent them.
Swift.nV has currently been tested using:
XCode 7.2
iOS Simulator
- iPhone 4s/5/5s/6/6+/6s/6s+
- iPad 2/Air/Air 2/Pro
- iOS 9.2
Ruby + Sinatra (for the backend web service)
Required Ruby Gems:
- sinatra, dm-core, dm-timestamps, dm-migrations, dm-serializer, bcrypt
- Open up the Swift.nV.xcodeproj using XCode 7.2
- Start the Sinatra backend web service:
- In the api directory run "bundle install" this will install the needed gems
- In the api directory run "ruby api.rb"
- This service should run on localhost ( port 4567
- Click the Run icon after selecting one of the iOS Simulator targets
- If the build fails with linker errors, remove the Swift.nV-* directories in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
- Click 'register' on the initial log on screen to setup a user.
- Login with the registered user
- Add secrets
- Located within the API at http://localhost:4567/tutorial
- View the simulator data storage under:
- ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/<Device-ID>/data/Containers/Data/Application/<Application-ID>/Documents
- ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/<Device-ID>/data/Library/Preferences/
Not all vulnerabilities have associated tutorials. View the tutorial list included at http://localhost:4567/tutorial for a walk through.
- Weak Server Side Controls (M1) - Backend web service is vulnerable to forced browsing.
- Weak Server Side Controls (M1) - Backend web service is vulnerable to authentication bypass.
- Insecure Data Storage (M2) - Core Data stores all items in the local sqlite database.
- Insecure Data Storage (M2) - Username/email address is in the user preferences plist file.
- Insufficient Transport Layer Protection (M3) - No SSL for backend web service.
- Unintended Data Leakage (M4) - No protections of automatic iOS background screenshots.
- Unintended Data Leakage (M4) - Log contains multiple sensitive strings.
- Unintended Data Leakage (M4) - Autocomplete is not enabled on sensitive screens (secret entry).
- Unintended Data Leakage (M4) - Login form is not cleared upone successful login.
- Poor Authorization and Authentication (M5) - Changes to insecure stored data (email address) bypasses authentication.
- Poor Authorization and Authentication (M5) - Same email address can be registered multiple times, allowing a user to view another's secrets.
- Broken Cryptography (M6) - Shared Secret "CryptoKey" is stored within the Environment.plist file.
- Client Side Injection (M7) - multiple locations, including Format String Injection on the login screen.
- Improper Session Handling (M8) - App completely lacks any session tokens or they are unused for interaction with API.