- 31bcec2 handle log paused state when switching between logs
- 8a612b5 #44 support wildcard globs in logs config
- bd65237 Add goreleaser support
- bc91652 Add in a default config file that gets written out to the local executable directory if no log file is foun (for ease of use)
- 617039c Add search capability to logviewer
- 9fbf293 Allow user to configure listen address via config file #43
- c7a31dc Convert to using patternfly react-log-viewer to render logs
- b89c8dd Create a top header bar with logo and buttons to switch between log files
- 6548e3a Expand loggenerator test tool to accept program flags for logfile name, log line interval, and prepending the logfile name to log lines
- baa0938 First pass at conversion from vanilla JS to React
- 533594a Fix the title and add some comments
- 70302dd Implement REST API to provide settings to the frontend, as defined in openapi spec and unmarshalled from the config file
- b5d1786 Implement pubsub broker to broadcast lines to all websocket clients fixes case where new websocket clients consume lines, resulting in incomplete logs in all websocket clients
- ecc48a5 Longer sentences to test wraps
- 4644f02 Merge branch 'v2' of github.com:jdrews/logstation into v2
- 7525c7a Merge pull request #45 from jdrews/master
- df5119f Merge pull request #46 from jdrews/v2-patternfly
- ff45a28 Mix in main App and new LogViewerComponent based on react-log-viewer
- c7f973b Notice that this branch is a rewrite in Go and React
- 0be6f58 Remove Windows specific error checking conditions. This was blocking builds for mac and linux. In the future I'll look at improving error checking for os specific errors. But for now this enables builds on mac and linux.
- f16f4fb Reorganize main.go, cleanup code, and add better comments
- 2c12943 Update README.md
- 3303aba Update README.md
- 13cbb41 Update README.md
- f959622 Update web README.md
- b559721 add 500 overscan and prettify file
- f379773 add config option to disable CORS (defaulted false) and refactor config to show server settings
- 2dca5fe add files to git ignore
- 80f739f add in openapi spec file for REST API
- 47dfb21 add in readme for test utils
- 35ea974 add space after play button on resume
- ea291ef append line delimiter to ensure no lines get truncated; also longer lines
- cead6e3 apply ansi colors to log lines from the server side
- f6799f8 bring in prettier
- 8f91204 catch unmarshall error for syntax colors also clean up logger usage
- d26ff22 clean up style and introduce scrolling tabs for files
- bdb348b conditionally append .exe to windows only builds
- 45035f5 convert over to using my own forked grok_exporter that enables darwin_arm64 (mac m1) support. Upstream PR on the way! At which point I'll revert back to the upstream module.
- a03847d don't track node_modules in git
- be0743f dynamically update url and wsurl based on prod/dev state and also prettify file
- 42149f2 enable darwin_arm64 builds in goreleaser
- 6874523 enable scroll following if scrolled down to the bottom of the log file
- 4f8f992 front truncate the tab titles to save space on the top bar
- 1395d49 generate websocket url from window url
- cbe86f5 implement pausing of log tailing when use scrolls up
- 0f7e556 improve documentation in the conf file around syntax highlighting
- a1623c3 include test condition when severity is empty (when there's nothing to match against)
- f172e32 introduce a config file to logstation Still work to process and use the parameters in the config file but this is a start!
- 3361fbc loggenerator rewritten in go
- 35a8cf5 move regex matching to the server and pass a json object with text and color to the frontend
- 5408158 no need to calculate bottom now that we're using nearBottom
- ae413a4 open and close log file for every line write
- 29f263f pass key from CellMeasurer to div to ensure all elements have a valid key
- 51a638d pass the name of the logfile up to the frontend so it can distinguish the log lines into log files
- 7e115fb pull in a basic react app that listens to websocket and renders via react-lazylog also build single file app with statik packaged web
- e114a3a pull in pubsub library
- 2e25d8f pull in react-icons as it's needed for the react-log-viewer
- 6799d63 react-virtualized is not needed anymore
- c22cb67 read in a flag to set the path to the config file
- 185eeef remove old logstation v1 files from branch
- b6b6d7d remove the double scrollbars
- bb3cdfb remove unused css
- 9846560 remove unused internal library after move to cskr/pubsub
- 464fc7d render a notice on the screen if no log lines have been sent up to the app yet
- 6b5a2cf rework fswatcher channel read to be more efficient
- dcc232a rewrite with labstack echo. reads from file and pushes to web via websocket
- 3e67302 run prettier across files
- 1847e5b run prettier on files that need it
- 3fcc659 set server port based on config file
- 8c80fd8 specify active tab and remove themes from underlying element
- 14b185c spin off goroutines to watch each log file specified in the config file
- 8d302ef support dynamic logline heights (row heights in List)
- efd61e9 update README.md to reflect rewrite in go and react
- 0dd38aa update README.md with releasing documentation
- e77b8d0 update default config file with new ansi color options
- 87b4b4e update dependencies from 1.20 upgrade
- e7dfa89 update favicon
- 2966095 update mui and react-scripts
- 88b69d5 update title of page based on config file; also disable cors for dev mode and rest call for syntax colors
- 924f8d0 upgrade to golang 1.20
- f90f972 use ES6 Map to track log lines per log file and link up tabs to log files
- 4cb61c6 use built-in "embed" library instead of statik for web file serving
- a75580c use only pretty colors in log generator test tool
- f5f661a use reconnecting-websocket to ensure websocket reconnects upon disconnects
- e4e923b use registerChild to fix StrictMode on React 15+