A concept for an integrated online ordering and inventory system
Create a combined ordering and inventory application for restaurants that interact with each other to make inventory management easier for restaurant owners
Traditional online ordering applications don't account for restaurant inventory and might let customers order something that the restaurant is unable to make
Restaurant owners and staff should be able to see when inventory is reaching critical levels and manually adjust inventory to account for waste
Customers should be able to view the menu and assemble an order
Restaurant owners
Needs a reliable way to track inventory
Places an emphasis on customer service; doesn't want customers to be dissatisfied when an order cannot be fulfilled
Wants tools to allow delegation of duties to managers and workers
The upcoming release will lay a bare-bones framework to be built upon in future releases. Features to be included in the next release are outlined in the current release canvas.
Future releases will include the following features:
Customer cart and payment system
Adjustable worker permissions
Support for coupons and discounts
Even further out, the following features may be added:
Inventory level alerts
Inventory analytics