After choosing a point on the globe, Earthsong finds sounds recorded nearby and teleports the user to the Earthsong Sound Portal, a spatial sonic playground where they can audition, manipulate and mix sounds to create their own sonic environment.
- Explore distant places through sound.
- Spatial sound player provides an intuitive way of visualizing sounds and positioning them in the stereo field.
- Special sound playback features: reverse direction, change playback speed.
- Create your own Earthsong account.
- Save snapshots of your favorite journeys and return to them later.
- Next.js
- Node.js with RESTful API
- PostgreSQL
- TypeScript/JavaScript
- p5.js for animation and sound visualization.
- tone.js for sound playback and manipulation.
- mapbox for the interactive globe.
- Sounds are provided by, a collaborative database of user-contributed audio content. All sounds are released under Creative Commons licenses that allow their reuse.
- Sara El Abed, Anton Kolomoiets and Lukas Prochazka for technical and emotional support.
- Michael Jeffrey Lee for coming up with the name Earthsong, which is also the title of a song from the forthcoming Budokan Boys album, THE OOZE.
- Sunny Sun, who shared cloud sim, the p5 sketch that Earthsong’s cloud overlay animation was adapted from.
- and all who contribute to it.
- Allow logged-in users to delete saved journeys.
- Display more detailed information about saved journeys (date it was saved, what sounds are included, etc.)
- More consistent styling for info panels.
- Add sound indicators for actions on the map screen.
- Simplify states for pop-up screens so that only one can be open at any time.
- Improve responsive styling.