is a simple session module for the Bottle framework. Some other projects have session managers for Bottle, but I felt a very simple session was in the spirit of the Bottle framework.
The sever-side session is referenced with a simple cookie that can be stored in two selectable modes: memory
only or a pickled server-side cache file
Currently session clean-up on the pickled type only happens when a client gracefully performs a logout. The memory session is cleaned when its data stucture is deallocated. I will change this to fully follow the expiry on the client-side-cookie.
Although a somewhat rare occurence, the session is not thread safe if two different processes are associating themselves with the same session.
Session object class init(params) - creates a session object
secret - required secret for encrypting data
sessions_dir - the directory to store the sessions in (defaults to './sessions')
cookie_name - the name of the cookie to reference the session (defaults to 'bsession')
mode - 'memory', 'file' (defaults to 'memory')
days - the number of days to keep the session in memory (defaults to 30)
at the top of your file include the line
include bottle_session
session = bottle_session.Session('your-secret')
in each view function, include similar code that connects, and keeps the session data organize with the dictionary
def some_func():
session.connect() # connect the session
# manipulate the dictionary['user'] = 'joe'['age'] = '30'
# note that when 'file' mode is used
# it is not saved until is called
# and is optional (inert) if you are using 'memory' mode
Alternatively, you could put a session connect in the before_request
and save the session in the after_request
. Though it is somewhat inefficient to do this.
def before_request():
app.add_hook('before_request', before_request)
def after_request():
app.add_hook('after_request', after_request)
Then when the user's session is done, you can purge or clear the session with session.purge()
or session.clear()
both are equivalent.
def logout():
Thanks to Marcel Helkamp and the Bottle community for developing the Bottle Framework.