This is sample project for creating php extension with PHP-CPP and cmake
We add PHP-CPP-cmake project source dir as sub directory
Download sample project source, download PHP-CPP-cmake project, put it inside sample project root then from sample project source root dir, run cmake
Dowload php-dev from, then extract to a folder for example: d:/dev/cpp_php/ts/php-7.4.30-devel-vc15-x64
cmake -S . -B build_shared ^
-G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -T host=x64 -A x64 ^
-DPHP_DEV_DIR="d:/dev/cpp_php/ts/php-7.4.30-devel-vc15-x64" ^
cmake --build build_shared --config=Debug
cmake --build build_shared --config=Release
We need php-dev package installed.
Shared library - debug
cmake -S . -B build_shared_d -G "Unix Makefiles" \
cmake --build build_shared_d
Static library - release
cmake -S . -B build_static_r -G "Unix Makefiles" \
cmake --build build_static_r