Stock Market Report Generator is a proto-software to demonstrate how stock market reports can be generated in a banking environment taking the market data from the internet from an other banking subsidiary.
The program provides the following functionality:
- Fetch the JSON stock market data from marketdata.json via a HTTP request
- Print a list of stock tickers, the ISIN (the id field in the marketdata.json) and their price in JSON format (see below).
Example run
> stockmarketreportgen
Example output
"ticker": "CBA",
"price": 21.51,
"isin": "US92345678901"
"ticker": "CBB",
"price": 401.5,
"isin": "US10987694321"
The project also provides:
- unit tests and
- documentation
- the choice of programming language is: python
- use the requests python index package to do http get for retrieve the stock market data from the internet
- the python standard library json package natively support the json format
- used json.loads() and json.dumps() to do conversion between json and python expressions
Call Follow
- get the marketdata url from the command-line arguments
- using 'requests' pypi package to fetch market data through http.get
- process the received json content
- the content is supposed to be an array of market data items (correspond to python dict)
- convert the json to a python array via JSON.loads()
- processing the the stock market data to formulate the report data according to the requirements
- create json from the report via json.dumps()
- output the json to standard via print()
- Any incomplete market data item - which cannot supply all the attributes required for a report item - are excluded from the report.
Unit tests
- used python unittest
- created one test case
- it is using the task described reference url to get test data
- the test checks if all created reporting entry complete in the output json
The folder where the git project has been cloned will be referred as Code from now.
To build the program run the following commands.
> cd Code
> python install
Do the above build step
Usage: stockmarketreportgen <url-of-marketdata-json>
--help This help"
> cd Code
> stockmarketreportgen <url-of-the-marketdata.json>
> cd Code
> python -m unittest tests/
The test results would genereted on the console.
(Example result)
> python -m unittest tests/
Ran 1 test in 0.335s