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OAKJAVA7(JAVA7.0) Programming Language is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2013,2016 in java(jdk1.6) ,DOTWEB3.0. and OAKJAVA7(JAVA7.0) is a World Rank A' Programming Language and it is focused on creating DataStructures,Console Application with Wnosql DB, and used in web application and Used in Remote X application and it has Advanced Oops.But OakJava7 windows application is present in JDollarShell not present in OakJava7(JAVA7.0). OAKJava7(JAVA7.0) has Advanced concept like Bucket,Extend,etc. But in JdollarShell only J$Shell GUI,Graphics are found. Remote X application is Advanced than Python,Webapplication,and all programming Languages.So Say Good bye to olden web application.
It is used in Remote X application which is not opensource.Because Remote X application is different from webapplication and this concept is invented by Wilmix Jemin j.This Remote X application and Remote web Application are not one. Remote web application is advanced than remote X application. This Remote X Application and Remote Webapplication is confidental from illegal hackers or another illegal persons who want to copy all my features in their research product and they will implement it.
It also supports obfuscation, Code Security, and it is Learnable. It is easy to learn. JAVA7.0 means Jemin Advanced Virtual Application. JAVA7.0 is even Advanced than Python Programming language and all programming Languages.OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Linux version is implemented in C/C++, Java,Dotweb3.0 at year 2021.
OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Linux version is implemented in C/C++, Java,Dotweb3.0 at year 2021.
“JAVA7.0 is meant for obfuscation, Code Security, Learnable, Advanced ,console based application with wnosql db,
Remote X Application and which is used in Software development, web application with machine learning , and it symbolizes
STAR symbol, used in applications like Console , used with java/j2ee framework like
Struts, spring , hibernate ,etc, and Java7.0 is also used in Machine learning and datascience. And one of most advanced Framework in
OakJava7(Java7.0) is scroll framework ,It is also used to create single webapplication".
The Meaning of OAKJAVA7 is OAK + Jemin Advanced Virtual Machine OAK gives the meaning Beginning.
Expansion of JAVA7.0 is
J stands for Jemin , A stands for Advanced , V stands for Virtual , and A stands for Application , 7 -> stands for wise Programming Language.
JAVA7.0 Programming Language is otherwise known as OAKJAVA7(JAVA7.0)
which is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2013 in java ,DOTWEB3.0.
This two versions of JAVA (Jdk1.8,jdk1.7) failed that is using JAD decompiler we can
easily take the source code.. But using oakjava7 we can't take the code.
We felt thanks to my best friends venkat friend , github , and all for their support..
a) JAVA7.0 behaves like his parent java and JDollar
java fails completly in code security.
but java(jdk1.8,jdk1.7) is used with JREE in linux platform.
b) JAVA7.0 supports Garbage collection and explicity memory.
c) JAVA7.0 support Multiple inheritance ,friend function, and operator overloading
and all C/C++ oops concepts.
d) JAVA7.0 also supports CDollar concepts.
e) JAVA7.0 is used to create games which cannot be achieved in cdollar and gdollar.
f) JAVA7.0 also includes C# oops concepts.
g) JAVA7.0 also follows attractive syntax.
h) It have 100% oops concepts.
i) JAVA7.0 is used with JDollar,CWEB section, JAVA, C#, and with all writ Programming languages.
j) OakJava7(JAVA7.0) provides high security for Web / Remote-X application
k) OakJava7(JAVA7.0) contains Optimized code.
l) We know Tree datastructures are more complex to solve it for any Programming Language OakJava7 (JAVA7.0) can easily solve this complex datastructures like Drag and drop the child of tree1 and put that child in another tree , CRUD operations in Tree,etc.
m) In case of programming language like C# or Java or PHP or Python or any other P.L ; source code can be taken using code reflector for C#. For Java , Code can be taken using JAD compiler , and for other programming language except C/C++. For Php,Python Code security is absent. .But OakJava7 source code cannot be taken . So C/C++ , Oakjava7 are the most securable programming Language. So no need to worry about code security.
Note: You can see remaining advantages in Oakjava7 Website which is given below.... https://sites.google.com/site/oakjava7programminglanguage
Note: Due to this High security Remote -X Application , High security Webapplications ,Other Advantages,solving complex problems, and Other Concepts So it is Ranked as World Rank A' Programming Language
Note: OakJava7 has more advantages than i given above..
J@ framework from J$part2 focused for Mathematical statistics and Datascience.
and such concept is removed already and updated in oakjava7(Java7.0)...
and now only mathematical statistics concept is now found in j@ at JDollarpart2..
So J$ give his concept to Oakjava7.
Now JDollar(J$) real rank is Rank z'''.
So JDollar(J$) use machine learning and datascience before python
uses machine learning and datascience.
Jdollar(J$),oakjava7 and all other writ programming language
is not concenterated in AI and creating robots.
OakJava7 is divided into 6 types
i) Scroll Server with OakJava7 (.web) and OakJava7 (.ojava7)
ii) Scroll Server with Java/j2ee and Java (jdk1.8) compiler
(Note: Here Oakjava7 compiler is not used,instead of that Jdk1.8 compiler is used with ScrollServer.Because Hibernate, Mybatics ,Java Spring are written in Jdk1.8 That's why Oakjava7 compiler is not match with java/j2ee frameworks Hibernate, Mybatics ,Java Spring ,and EJB. so Jdk1.8 versions and next versions of Jdk1.8 will not be supported to be used with Oakjava7 compiler. Here Jsp ,and Servlet will not work in Scroll Server. but EJB and JMS will work with Jdk1.8 at scroll server. You can see the sample for hibernate in SAMPLES SECTION. ie) In Oakjava7 google site (Sample-2:Topic: Write a JAVA7.0 program with Scroll Program, here Jdk1.8 compiler is focused). (We advice Java Spring should optimize the source code.So Java(jdk1.8) professionals are permited to be used with most popular server which is Scroll Server. )
iii) Scroll Server with (.java7) with Oakjava7 (OAKJAVA7.0) compiler
iv) Machine Learning and data Science with UserFriendly frameworks (OJ7UA).
v) Oakjava7 Advanced Samples with (.web) and Oakjava7 Console Application.
vi) OakJava7 with Remote X Application (Advanced Application) ( Not released now).
- Can oakjava7 compiler work with Jdk1.8 and java/j2ee frameworks ?
- Can Oakjava7 compiler compile Jdk1.8 programs ?
No, It will not accept jdk1.8 and other jdk1.8 versions.
- Is Oakjava7 is the competitor of Java/J2ee?
No , Oakjava7 business is very different when compared
to Oracle business.
- Is oakjava7 work as a Standalone application?
Yes, it will work without the help of Java/J2ee applications.
- Is OakJava7 a high security Programming Language?
OakJava7 provides high security when compared to all the programming languages. We can see this medium security in detail ,which is invented at year 2020.
This is about Oakjava7 medium security. But it is free for the oakjava7 developers to focus. But Oakjava7 has Advanced high security that will be mention in Enterprise edition and not at professional edition. And You can refer about OakJava7 Security screenshots in google site sample section , Url : https://sites.google.com/site/oakjava7programminglanguage/oakjava7-advanced-samples
i) Both Oakjava7 and java/j2ee is like english fluent language.
but python is not a english fluent language.
ii) Using Oakjava7 we can reduce the lines of code.
python is not easy for the developers to focus when it reduce the lines of code...
iii) Oakjava7 and Java/j2ee follow camel case and can be adjusted at any style with beautiful arrangement
using Intellij IDE. But Python is failed in indentation.
iv) OakJava7 is an beautiful programming language with attractive syntax and with few lines of code than python programming Language.
v) OakJava7 module Oakjava8 is best in Mobile computing.
Note: oakjava7 has more advantages than python p.l which are hidden from any hackers.
Both Java and Oakjava7 is used in webapplication and console application.But Java follows cloudcomputing Oakjava7 follows Remote-X Application.Oakjava7 is not used to create a software like VB.net and Java Swing. Oakjava7 is used only with java frameworks like hibernate and Mybatics, it is not used with Java Spring ,the reason is Java Spring code is very bulk. This Java Spring web/ standalone application is very slow when compare to Node.js,Oakjava7(JAVA7.0). Oakjava7 is invented in Dotweb and java(jdk1.6).Java Spring takes more time to develop a webapplication when compared to OakJava7,Node.js. And Oakjava7 has Advanced datastructures when compare to Java(Jdk1.8). eg) Pipe,Bag,etc.Remember OakJava7 is not the competitor for Java,C#, python,etc. OakJava7 is an interactive programming language. Java is not a interactive programming Language.Oakjava7 is used in MachineLearning, Datascience,mobile application,and single page application. It supports obfuscation, Code Security, and it is Learnable. Oakjava7 follows attractive and beautiful Userfriendly framework (.oj7ua).Oakjava7 follows Shortest function Statements.OakJava7 is focus on Code Security.Oakjava7 is used with WNOSQL Database which provides high security...Oakjava7 is a standalone programming language. That is without help of any available java frameworks Oakjava7 will able to create webapplication,etc.Oakjava7 is a Pure OOPS Programming Language. And Java/j2ee is not a Pure OOPS Programming Language.Oakjava7 saves time and cost and OakJava7 is a highest securable programming language. Oakjava7 will compile and run the Oakjava7 program at the same time. but Java(Jdk1.8) can't do it.
For Oakjava7 ,oakjava7 machinelearning,oakjava7 data science only C or C++ or C# & Dotnet or Java/j2ee Professionals or Google Professionals can focus and read the samples. Because it is designed like this.
For OakJava7 Programming Language tutorial see : https://sites.google.com/site/oakjava7programminglanguage
As only 1% of JAVA7.0(OAKJAVA7) features is published for professionals but many features of oakjava7(JAVA7.0) is hidden from users.. Since they may copy the features and try to implement it... Oakjava7 is not released now. It has no bugs. OakJava7 will come at any time that you don't expect it. In Oakjava7 first version itself we will cover 80% the concepts of Machine learning and Data Science. and remaining concepts will be covered in OakJava7 second version.
// Beginning of OakJava7 ML Program
// Design is the HTML GUI or variable declarations or method declarations
// Method declarations
public static void Methods1() {
//Close Design for GUI
//Mention name of Package value in Package always mention wnosql as a default value for the Database.
// Mention OakJava7 library files for machine Learning in J7Lib eg) Java7ML
// Mention Package as ML , Names as sampleml1 for namespace name and class name as misctype1
// Mention Type as .exe or .dll
<OakJava7 Package='ML' Database='wnosql' J7Lib='{Java7ML}' Names='sampleml1,misctype1' Type='exe'
//Mention MAIN section for OakJava7 main program ie) public void main() can be written as MAIN
// Mention what are the Business logic methods inside the main program eg) Methods1(),Methods2() in the MAIN section
// Methods call
Methods1(); Methods2();
// This ( ?> ) is equivalent to }}.Close the Main Section ?> ' //LOGIC sections represent Business Logic for OakJava7 LOGIC='
//Business logic methods public static void Method2()
} // Close the Logic section '> // Close the OakJava7 program // End of Oakjava7 Program Explanation ============ Here when you code the Machine Learning program using this syntax, it will automatically convert to Oakjava7 program ie(.web) . And you will get a optimized oakjava7 (.web) code and .exe and .ojava7 files. You can also test the OakJava7 Machine Learning program using (.web) code...So when we notice that here act like a OakJava7 user friendly framework. It act like a XML syntax with data present inside it. This Machine Learning program () program has attractive syntax.So it is considered as a OakJava7 advanced framework or OakJava7 Machine learning framework. I reduces the pain of writing program for (.web). And It saves time and cost.The Full form of program is "OAKJAVA7MACHINELEARNING". It is used for Dynamic Webpages construction ie) DB with GUI + Business Logic and OakJava7 Servlet. We can also generate .dll using this syntax by using .dll value as a Type. So when you include .exe value as a Type means when you compile the oakjava7 it will generate the .exe files and .ojava7 files. Note ===== For more details about Oakjava7 machine learning Syntax and example kindly visit the website... https://sites.google.com/site/oakjava7programminglanguage/java7-0-machinelearning-part1