17 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
💥 Breaking change
The following change affects the JCasC, you must update your configuration.
- Use
instead of the no longer usedotel.imr.export.interval
(#1021) @cyrille-leclerc
jenkins | at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
jenkins | Caused by: io.jenkins.plugins.casc.ConfiguratorException: 'exporterTimeoutMillis' is deprecated
jenkins | at PluginClassLoader for configuration-as-code//io.jenkins.plugins.casc.BaseConfigurator.configure(BaseConfigurator.java:330)
jenkins | at PluginClassLoader for configuration-as-code//io.jenkins.plugins.casc.BaseConfigurator.check(BaseConfigurator.java:293)
🐛 Bug fixes
- Use
instead of the no longer usedotel.imr.export.interval
(#1021) @cyrille-leclerc
📦 Dependency updates
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.tools.bom:bom-2.479.x from 3875.v1df09947cde6 to 3893.v213a_42768d35 (#1018) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 5.4 to 5.5 (#1019) @dependabot